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都知道使用Google Cloud 有送300刀的一年FREE TRAIL。 我今天也用了,只能说谷歌真的是"奸诈"。 提醒大家注意 12个月的FREE TRAIL 不是我们常常以为的哪个FREE TRAIL,即在12个月内随意使用。 谷歌云的FRE…
The Database Migration Service is a serverless tool to migrate MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server databases to Cloud SQL with a few clicks.
Cloud Identity premium edition is not required to use Google Cloud. As a Google Cloud customer, you can request additional Cloud Identity licenses at no cost. However, the premium edition has additional features not offered in the free edition....
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Google Cloud Community Spanner PostgreSQL performance benchmarking Spanner is Google’s always-on, virtually unlimited database that powers some of the most demanding operational workload behind brands, like Yahoo!, The Home Depot, Wayfair, and Pokémon Go as well as Gmail, YouTube, Photos within...