在Google Cloud 中使用 SQL Server 在Compute Engine 中遷移及執行 Microsoft SQL Server,或使用 SQL Server 適用的代管式 Cloud SQL。 將SQL Server 遷移至SQL Server 適用的 Cloud SQL 將SQL Server 遷移至Google Compute Engine 開放原始碼資料庫 在專為重要業務應用程式設計的全代管開放原始碼資料庫中建構。
Storage & Databases Store and manage business-critical data with high availability and low latency. Workload Migration Move data and applications to the cloud quickly and more securely. Hybrid Cloud Modernize in place with container-based services that can run anywhere. ...
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gsutil: Used for Cloud storage operations. core: Shared libraries for all the other components. kubectl: Kubectl is used to control the Kubernetes cluster. 更新命令:gcloud components update 安装新的组件的推介方法:sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk-minikube ...
git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/genai-databases-retrieval-app.git Setting up your Database The retrieval service uses an interchangeable 'datastore' interface. Choose one of the databases listed below to set up and initialize your database: ...
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在./git/config文件中添加一下代码: [credential] helper = store 窗口执行以下代码: git config...
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