部分用户使用谷歌google帐号登录googleplay应用商店,下载应用时遇到问题提示:此 Google 帐户尚未与设备相关联。安装应用程序之前,请访问您设备上的 Play 商店应用程序。(英文提示为:This Google account is not yet associated with a device. Please access the Play Store app on your device before installing ...
重启手机试试 google账号尚未与设备关联是因为缺少APK Downloade扩展程序。解决方法如下:1、下载并安装chrome浏览器2、上chrome网上应用店搜索“apk downloader3、添加至CHROME4、将出来的:要添加“APK Downloade"吗?提示框选择添加至扩展程序。5、关闭chrome浏览器,再重启即可正常去Google Play下载任何的...
@文心快码BaiduComatethis google account is not yet associated with a device. please access the p 文心快码BaiduComate 由于您的问题是关于Google帐户与设备关联的问题,而不是一个直接的编程或代码相关的问题,因此我不会包含代码片段。但是,我可以根据提供的提示,清晰地分点回答您的问题。 1. 确认用户的Google...
Learn the simple way to fix Google account is not yet associated with a device and way to associate a device with the Google account. If you open the Google Play Store on your system and try to logged in into a Google Account which is not connected to the Android phone, Tablet or kind...
在安卓手机上下载 apk 出现: This Google account is not yet associated with a device how to do i connect play store 解决办法: 在手机应用商店下载 google play 应用,然后登录谷歌账号搜索下载,就可
If you log in to a Google Account that is not associated with an Android device, it will indicate that there is no active device. How do I get Google to recognize my device? Sign in to the same Google Account on your computer and mobile device. ...
如谷歌账号停用请不要慌张,基本都可通过回复邮件申诉,用英文说明缘由,一般两个工作日会得到谷歌回复,若申述失败可再次申诉,直至申诉成功。被禁用英文原文:It looks like this account was associated with multiple other accounts, or created by a program, and used to violate Google’s policies. Learn ...
I keep getting an error message that says my "device" has not been installed. and: This Google account is not yet associated with a device. Please access the Play Store app on your device before installing apps. And: Error: You haven't accessed the G...
/t5/digital-editions-discussions/unable-to-authorize-ade-with-google-vendor-id/m-p/4634685#M13767 Dec 08, 2015 Dec 08, 2015 Copy link to clipboard Copied In Response To Nanaky after entering my Adobe ID and password it says:" the vendor account you entered is not associated wi...
public GoogleAdWordsLinkedServiceTypeProperties withDeveloperToken(SecretBase developerToken) Set the developerToken property: The developer token associated with the manager account that you use to grant access to the AdWords API. Parameters: developerToken - the developerToken...