(英文提示为:This Google account is not yet associated with a device. Please access the Play Store app on your device before installing apps. )这是因为电脑或手机缺少google play下载安装应用必备的程序。【解决办法】1、手机上请下载安装应用,然后登录谷歌帐号搜索下载应用,即可解决;2、电脑上需要安装...
针对您遇到的问题“this google account is not yet associated with a device. please access the play store app on your device before installing apps.”,这个问题通常出现在尝试从非官方渠道(如网页浏览器)安装Android应用时,而该Google账户尚未与任何设备在Play Store中关联。以下是根据您的提示给出的详细解答...
google账号尚未与设备关联是因为缺少APK Downloade扩展程序。解决方法如下:1、下载并安装chrome浏览器2、上chrome网上应用店搜索“apk downloader3、添加至CHROME4、将出来的:要添加“APK Downloade"吗?提示框选择添加至扩展程序。5、关闭chrome浏览器,再重启即可正常去Google Play下载任何的APK应用。只需...
谷歌商店的官方网址:play.google.com 但是,当大家在谷歌商店官网登录好谷歌账号后,搜索下载自己想要的软件的时候,谷歌商店会提示你“此谷歌账号未绑定设备”,英文提示为“This Google account is not yet associated with a device”。意思就是提示你,你的谷歌商店登录的账号没有绑定设备,无法下载软件。 说简单点,就...
在安卓手机上下载 apk 出现: This Google account is not yet associated with a device how to do i connect play store 解决办法: 在手机应用商店下载 google play 应用,然后登录谷歌账号搜索下载,就可
Learn the simple way to fix the issue of Google account not yet associated with a device These are the simple, easy and quick points that one should know before going ahead of the process, so make sure you have all the information to start the process. ...
What does Google account is not yet associated with a device mean? If you log in to a Google Account that is not associated with an Android device, it will indicate that there is no active device. How do I get Google to recognize my device?
I keep getting an error message that says my "device" has not been installed. and: This Google account is not yet associated with a device. Please access the Play Store app on your device before installing apps. And: Error: You haven't accessed the G...
如谷歌账号停用请不要慌张,基本都可通过回复邮件申诉,用英文说明缘由,一般两个工作日会得到谷歌回复,若申述失败可再次申诉,直至申诉成功。被禁用英文原文:It looks like this account was associated with multiple other accounts, or created by a program, and used to violate Google’s policies. Learn ...
如谷歌账号停用请不要慌张,基本都可通过回复邮件申诉,用英文说明缘由,一般两个工作日会得到谷歌回复,若申述失败可再次申诉,直至申诉成功。 被禁用英文原文: It looks like this account was associated with multiple other accounts, or created by a program, and used to violate Google’s policies. Learn more...