不会的,只是 repo owner 鼓励有兴趣了解项目的人从这些 issue 入手看代码。但不是所有项目都会一直有...
nlpnatural-language-processingaicomputer-visiondeep-learningtransformersinferencespeech-recognitionyolorecommendation-systemperformance-boostgood-first-issueopenvinodiffusion-modelsstable-diffusiongenerative-aillm-inferenceoptimize-aideploy-ai UpdatedSep 28, 2024 ...
很多人都以为 "good first issue" 只是 GitHub issue 的标签,但其实它也是 GitHub 上的一个功能!比...
Alternatively, you could absolutely install good-first-issue as a global module: npm i -g good-first-issue#install globallygood-first-issue#call the CLI Commands good-first-issue: open up the interactive project selection tool. good-first-issue [project]: you can pass in a name from thelist...
good-first-issue晚风**太急 上传531.23 KB 文件格式 zip contributions-welcome good-first-issue open-source Make your first open-source contribution. 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 tmgtoolkit-app 2025-03-01 21:02:31 积分:1 ...
This is a simple npm package that fetches open, public issues labeled as "good first issue" from GitHub. It's a great tool for beginners looking for their first contributions or for anyone looking to contribute to open source projects. ...
How do new contributors know there is a new ‘good first issue’ Generally the new contributors look for open source project in the language of their choice and then subscribe to events from that project. And when they get the notification of a new issue reported which is ‘good first issue...
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This Good Housekeeping special accessibility features Broadway's Ali Stroker, stories from the disabled community and smart solutions to future-proof your home.
Earlier this year, the PrestaShop product team decided to use new leverage to help new contributors participate in the PrestaShop project on GitHub: the ‘good first issue’ label. But what is it exactly? And how does it work? Below are some questions raised to give it a proper definition...