python machine-learning scikit-learn sklearn feature-selection artificial-intelligence hyperparameters model-selection hyperparameter-optimization evolutionary-algorithms help-wanted looking-for-contributors up-for-grabs automl deap contributions-welcome good-first-issue goodfirstissue begginer-friendly featureselect...
[Good First Issue] Substitute header guard to pragma once #1741 use Buffer<T> instead of std::vector<T> #2594 use std::variant instead of boost::variant #2619 Remove class PackedInt128 #2774 [cleanup] Some unused files can be deleted #2825 [cleanup][2] some unused files can be delet...
却不知道从何下手的新人来说,“good first issue”是很不错的开始。它更像是新手村的任务,门槛较低...
比如 React 的good first issue应用good first issue标签到仓库中的议题,可以向人们突出显示参与项目的机...
goodfirstissueis a github bot, which once installed on repo/org, will notify first time contributors through@goodfirstissuehandle. It tweets only when there is an unassigned and open issue which also have a labelgood first issue. This way you can filter out all the other noise that you get...
DIM (code on GitHub(opens in new tab)) is based on two learning principles: mutual information maximization in the vein of the infomax optimization principle and self-supervision, an important unsupervised learning method that relies on intrinsic properties of the data to provide ...
DO NOTuse this pattern without considering the long term benefits of other patterns first. Release Branches A team that pushes a collection of contributions out to their production application as a unit in successive sprints can findrelease branchesa favorable fit. ...
good first issue help wanted Angular Repo languages: JavaScript TypeScript HTML SCSS Dockerfile PLpgSQL CSS Shell Setup Github environment Repository: E-scooter-Booking-System-CW February 9, 2025 (3 hours ago) 010 Labels: documentation good first issue ...
In order to help newcomers to open source projects identify tasks that are suitable to them and their level of expertise within the project, issues can get the good first issue label on the GitHub platform. In this paper we report on a preliminary investigation of good first issues in terms...