about pillows that are going to hug you tightly and a warm bed, finally. Now you can relax and forget about a hard working day; but what can you do, if you totally cannot get rid of those disgusting feelings that were following you since the morning; ...
Good morning! They sure look like they are too sweet for words! Bet they are mischief makers, though. spikesgirl58 25 Feb 2025, 12:08 Good night! I can see that. thespian15 25 Feb 2025, 12:08 Just wondering When somebody thanks me for doing something for them. It's amazing what th...
Five dollars is cheap since I don't have any friends except Cathy who is only my friend tillTuesday. Five dollars, five dollars. She is trying to get some body to chip in so they can buy a bicycle form this kid namedTito. They already have ten dollars and all they need is five mor...
When Raven lays eyes on the luscious Darcy, he gives her what he promises all the starry-eyed groupies who toss their panties at him—one unforgettable night in his bed. Sex with Darcy is so epic that he forgets his cardinal rule: to get her out before morning. At the crack of sunris...
The proud mom took a photo of the finished product and immediately shared it on Instagram on Tuesday. Related Articles MORE: Jennifer Garner keeps it hilariously real in candid bus stop photo As expected, the poem was a hit, with fans strongly agreeing that the pandemic is emotio...
Tuesday, June 4th, 2013 16.15 - Aims Stuff I have in mind/intend to do:* Get up earlier; 1 hr writing each morning.* 1 hr. on the drums in the evening (on nights when I'm not working/holding a practice/etc.)More nebulous long-term goal-ish things:* Learn more math + programm...
Well, if you really want to know, this is the sort of vile sprew that society faced when it woke on Monday morning: I respect the importance of linking beer back to its agriculture—in fact this is something I feel personally invested in—but this is not the same thing as terroir. ...
Tuesday, May 21, 2024Feel Good Time!Share This Post: Copy LinkFacebookXPinterestEmail分享previous post: The “Wine Cork”RELATED POSTS: Genius. Midnight (Christmas) Memes Mouths Of Babes Morning Meme-A-ThonLeave a ReplyYou must be logged in to post a comment. --> ...
AGood Morning Americareporter was caught without pants on... while on air. On Tuesday (April 28), during an ABC segment on pharmacies that are using drones to deliver prescriptions to patients, correspondent Will Reeve appeared on camera from his home amid the coronavirus quarantine. Everything...
Nothing breaks the back of a mid-morning scorcher filled with when seven minutes of weeding and thinking about maybe weeding than a few litres of Teutonic clovey wheaty stuff followed by a good nap. And apparently, as Boak and Bailey found out, it is a good year for it – even if not...