. At least folks have been unilaterally positive about my work, and I even got props for my (improvised!) lighting work last week. Maybe folks'll raise such a stink that they'll have to bring me back.Oh well, at least I get my Tuesday nights back, and I won't be such a zombie...
So while I won’t be confused anytime soon for a #beerpositive*** supporter, Polk is on the right track. Say – speaking about drinking and health, this is an excellent article worth considering because it’s written by a wine writer and judge who is also a liver disorder specialist. ...
Nothing breaks the back of a mid-morning scorcher filled with when seven minutes of weeding and thinking about maybe weeding than a few litres of Teutonic clovey wheaty stuff followed by a good nap. And apparently, as Boak and Bailey found out, it is a good year for it – even if not...
Then Candy couldn’t help herself and jumped in on the president’s side by misrepresenting what he’d said, in a positive way. Two-on-one is moonbat fun. If you say so, Howie. Then, just for the heck of it, the Herald assigned a reporter to blow the lid off Candyscam. Candy ...
So I trimmed most of the songs (just left in two), kept it to one act and sent it to some friends. The feedback was positive…but mostly “polite” positive. I have come to the conclusion that whileItruly enjoy it and very much want to put this show on, the effort/reward ratio ...
Reports from jaded old cynics like myself have been positive, so when a brewery closer to home slapped the label on one of theirs, I was straight out to buy it. What I would like to know is about process and percentage. How much fruit is added to the base beer, what is the base ...
Conversely, wouldn’t have some publication wanted this piece for publication, Jeff‘s survey of change at Rogue? Neat and tidy and yes pretty trade positive. It’s a weird week. Check out the next footnote if you don’t believe me! [Update: Stan’s BlueSky comment was “There’s even...