Make healthcare more efficient, convenient, and inclusive. Balanced regional development Narrow the digital divide in remote areas and promote social progress and development. Whitepaper IUCN-Huawei Tech4Nature Flagship Publication Tech for Smarter Conservation ...
Predatory JournalsMedical Council of IndiaThe Medical Council of India came out with the criteria of research publications for the promotions for the first time in 2009. Though this was done with the intention of promoting and encouraging research among faculties of Medical Colleges, this has given...
Iain knew he had a responsibility to communicate his discovery as rapidly and widely as possible. This is why he chose a Letter to the Lancet. Unfortunately this prior publication caused some Editors of scholarly journals to turn down his more thoroughly considered and detailed manuscripts that sho...
A communication strategy has been set up [1] and includes a website (, media coverage, leaflets and newsletters, publications in scientific journals and lay press, partners’ networks and events. The MASK community includes over 300 members in all countries in which MASK is deploy...
Why do they care Competition for grants has gotten so fierce that scientists have sought popular renown to gain an edge over their rivals. Publication in specialized journals will win the accolades of academics and satisfy the publish-or-perish imperative, but Science and Nature come with the ...
This issue of Family Practice contains a special article summarizing the 1999 report of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) on guidelines on good publication practice. COPE has asked a number of other journals to publish these guidelines so that a uniform consensus on publication practice dev...
The current study used AMOS to conduct structural equation modeling (SEM) for mediation analysis and SPSS—PROCESS MACRO for moderation analysis (Model 1). Bootstrapping PROCESS has been used in several previous studies published in mainstream journals to calculate the mediation and moderation analysis...
(Bakker, 2010); and besides some of the long-standing PM specialty journals, the field has recently seen the rise of a number of new journals, including the International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, the International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, and the Journal ...
For the past half century, publication in peer-reviewed journals has been the dominant model of research dissemination for many fields of science. In recent years, there has been a massive expansion of the world’s research o...
Scientific articles undergo a certain review process in which a manuscript is reviewed by multiple experts in the field. Generally, reviews are blinded; however, in some journals, the review process is unblinded, which means that both authors and reviewe