Good Habits Chart: Time How 1. After … Brush my teeth 2. Before… Wash my hands 3. Every… Make my bed 4. Every… Clean my room 2.小组活动,使用所学好习惯词汇描述图片。 T: Now I’ll give you some pictures. Please talk about the good habits shown in the pictures. (教师给每个小...
Retellthepassageaccordingtothechart. GoodhabitsBadhabits DuFei WangLe doesn’teat…prefers… listensto…,doesn’tpay attention…tryharder… nevertoolateto… It’s…tohave…andto spend…. doesherbest…lether… hardlyeverstressedand laughs… hangsout… likestoeat… wouldratherdrink… than…doesn’tlik...
译林版英语六年级下册Unit2 Good habits大单元教学设计.docx,六年级下册 Unit 2 Good habits 单元解读 单元内容体现的新课标理念 本单元在英语核心素养的育人价值下进行,围绕单元主题“人与习惯”展开教学。本单元学习的主题主要是学习如何用一般现在时和频率副词表述一个
Our habits shape who we are. Though we admit, forming positive habits isn’t always easy. And it cantake a while to break an old habit. Depending on whether they are healthy habits or bad habits, habits determine ifwe’re going to be happyor unhappy. Healthy or unhealthy.Tiredorwell-res...
Yes,theyare. Shelikestoeatjunkfood. Theirfamiliesandfriends. 3bReadthepassageandlisttheirgoodand badhabitsinthechartbelow. GoodhabitsBadhabits DuFei WangLe Doesn’teatmanysnacks, prefershismother’s homecooking listenstoveryloud music,doesn’tpay attentioninclass spendstimewithher friends, ea...
Keeping yourself healthy and changing bad lifestyle habits is an important way to lower your risk for atrial fibrillation. Exercise regularly, quit smoking, keep your blood pressure under control, and eat a nutritious diet that is low in fat and salt to lower your risks of heart problems. ...
2. Types of Habits (10 minutes)。 Explain that there are both good and bad habits. Ask students to brainstorm different types of habits. Write their responses on the whiteboard or chart paper under the headings "Good Habits" and "Bad Habits." 3. Importance of Good Habits (15 minutes)。
Plan a good behavior chart: First of all, you should think about the good behaviors that your kids want to learn and bad behaviors you like to change in your child. Outline the desirable behaviors that you want to improve or implement. Before making the chart, you must consider the age ...
This will reinforce motivation or encourage athletes to adopt and keep to new habits. 摘要 总而言之,您可以: 使用上面的图表获得运动员年龄(蓝线和绿线之间)的健康值范围。 预计HRV会下降,故意过度扩张时将下降5-10%,但一旦强化期结束,在赛前逐渐减少期间,希望快速反弹。 尝试生活方式,在基线HRV中实现边际...
九年级英语全册 Unit 9 It’s important to have good habits Section A精品课件 鲁教版五四制 Unit9 It’simportanttohavegoodhabits.SectionA 渡过,通过Howcanwegetthroughourteenageyears?Weshouldhavehealthylifestylesandbehaviors.行为,举止 商量,讨论totalkwithparents tospendtimewithtoexercisefamily toget...