Mygoodhabitsandbadhabits Brainstorm:(头脑风暴)好习惯:起居习惯:早睡早起,不熬夜….饮食习惯:吃水果蔬菜等健康食物,不吃垃圾食品…..运动习惯:锻炼,跑步,打球….学习习惯:喜欢看书,努力学习,按时完成作业…..生活习惯:帮妈妈做家务,一周看1小时电视,1个月上网2到3次…..Brainstorm:(头脑风暴)好习惯...
1. 回家了解一下你的家人的“good habits”和“bad habits” ,并且完成下列表格。人物Good habits Bad habits Father read the news gamble Mother clean up starchaser Me read books play games2.根据上面的表格,完成一篇有关家人好习惯与坏习惯的短文.My father exercis My mother running My father watch TV...
1.Good Habits 好习惯,所给提示中属于好习惯的有:Do exercise every day. 每天做运动。Clean the room.打扫房间。Drink lots of water every day. 每天多喝水。Finish homework.完成家庭作业。Wash hands after playing. 玩后要洗手。故答案为 A; D; E; G; I。2.Bad Habits 坏习惯,所给提示中属于好习惯...
Badhabits: Procrastination GoodhabitsHealthybreakfast: Startingthedaywithanutritiousmealhelpsmestayenergizedandfocused. Exerciseroutine: Engaginginphysicalactivityeverymorningkeepsmefitandactive. Readingtime: Spendingatleast30minutesreadingimprovesmyknowledgeandlanguageskills. ...
I also eat junk food sometimes, which makes me fatter and fatter.In conclusion, I benefit a lot from good habits. But I think I should try my best to get rid of bad habits.译文:习惯在我的生活中扮演着重要的角色。现在我想和大家分享一下我的日常习惯。我有一些好习惯。做运动就是其中之一...
作文如下:Many people have their good habits and bad habits and so do I.My good habits are as follows: I usually get up early in the morning and sleep early at night . It is good for my health.很多人都有他们的好习惯和坏习惯,我也是。我的好习惯如下:我通常早上起得很早,...
Good Habits and Bad Habits好习惯和坏习惯Here are the seven good habits that happy and successful teens have in common Thesewill act as a set of tools to help you live happy lives.1. Take charge for your life. Whether you fail or succeed will be up to you.2. Begin with the end in...
【解析】先弄清题目的意思,然后用句子表达出来就可以了.My good habits:我的好习惯I am a good studentI often do my home workafter schoolI am helpfulI can setthe table anddo the dishesIlike reading books in theeveningI also like do sports on the weekendwith my friends.我是一个好学生.放学...
Good Habits, Bad Habits 作者:Wendy Wood 出版社:Farrar, Straus and Giroux 出版年:2019-10 页数:320 定价:USD 28.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9781250159076 豆瓣评分 8.6 15人评价 5星 40.0% 4星 60.0% 3星 0.0% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 评价: 写笔记...
伍德与人合著了发表在《心理学年鉴》上的论文——《习惯的科学》,并于2019年出版了《好习惯、坏习惯》(Good Habits, Bad Habits)的著作。她说:“养成习惯所需的回报必须是直接的。”因为名为多巴胺的神经递质在大脑的回报通路中巩固行为方面起关键作用,它运作时只需几秒的时间。 不幸地是,许多想要的行为并没有...