Political meddling in administrative matters and as strained relations between key political and administrative officials in municipalities appear to be the norm. The paper explores the impact of good governance on the political-administrative interface. The article seek...
Leadership plays a critical role in achieving development goals, hence, when there are leadership gaps, development is decelerated, as is the situation in many African countries. Therefore, studying accountable governance practices in Africa must include
SUMMARY OF REPORT ON GOVERNANCE FOR SOUTH AFRICA …:南非治理总结报告… 热度: Water Report 113 Safe, Sufficient and Good Potable Water …水报告113安全,充分和良好的饮用水… 热度: Lighting Africa, African Solar Market Report 热度: DEVELOPMENTREPORT-Judging ...
"The APRM encourages best practice for political, social and economic stability while helping to address governance deficiencies by providing a national program of action for each state concerned," he said. He believed participation in the Review Mechanism by South Africa was pertinent, since the cou...
Progress in the Implementation of the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety Supplementary Information Atoms for Peace 热度: corporate governance in the asian financial crisis:亚洲金融危机中的公司治理 热度: Potsdam,May19,2007 G8ActionPlanforGoodFinancialGovernanceinAfrica ...
Striving for Good Governance in Urban Areas: The Role of Local Agenda 21s in Africa, Asia and Latin America One of the most significant innovations in addressing urban environmental problems in recent years has been the emergence of a new kind of city-wide initia... G Mcgranahan,L Miranda,...
Reclaiming Africa's Agenda: Good Governance and the Role of the NGOs in the African Context - Tandon - 1996 () Citation Context ...tional NGOs should be more involved in supportive roles rather thansdirect provision of services, meaning that they should identify and strengthen localsindigenous ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers opportunities to advance good governance and combat corruption in South Africa, presenting a path to restore public confidence. This systematic review explores AI's potential to enhance good governance, detect fraud, mitigate procurement risks, improve transparency, and...
Ethical Infrastructure for Good Governance in the Public :在公共治理的伦理基础 热度: SUMMARY OF REPORT ON GOVERNANCE FOR SOUTH AFRICA …:南非治理总结报告… 热度: start - Information for Good Governance and … 热度: SOCIALDEVELOPMENT|.worldbank/socialdevelopment ...
Kotzé L, de la Harpe S (2008) The Good, the bad and the ugly: using good and cooperative governance to improve environmental governance of South African World Heritage sites: a case study of the Vredefort Dome. Potchefstroom Electron Law J Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad 2:1/53, :...