For purposes of this article, these provisions are considered to determine if it can have a positive effect on shareholder activity that subsequently will lead to an increase in good corporate governance principles. The question is also asked as to whether an increase in shareholder activity may ...
Corporate governance and risk reporting in South Africa A study of corporate risk disclosures in the pre- and post-20072008 global financial crisis periods 热度: Progress in the Implementation of the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety Supplementary Information Atoms for Peace ...
"The APRM encourages best practice for political, social and economic stability while helping to address governance deficiencies by providing a national program of action for each state concerned," he said. He believed participation in the Review Mechanism by South Africa was pertinent, since the cou...
non-profits, trade unions, and socially responsible investors expertise in creating and implementing effective campaigns to fundamentally change behavior of politicians and major corporations. We are experienced advocates for environmental sustainability, human rights, good corporate governance, and social ...
Finally, the third principle of good corporate governance is that good corporate citizenship doesn't just mean doing no harm in the communities where you do business, but actively working to leave those communities better than you found them. ...
The Dynamics of Corporate Governance in South Africa: Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment and the Enhancement of Good Corporate Governance Principles broad based black economic empowerment and the enhancement of good corporate governance principles, Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology, ...
Ethical Infrastructure for Good Governance in the Public :在公共治理的伦理基础 热度: SUMMARY OF REPORT ON GOVERNANCE FOR SOUTH AFRICA …:南非治理总结报告… 热度: start - Information for Good Governance and … 热度: SOCIALDEVELOPMENT|.worldbank/socialdevelopment ...
Global Perspectives on Ethics of Corporate Governance Peter Koslowski 201 Accesses 5 Citations Abstract Working toward the common good is usually seen as the task of government and an obligation for politicians, not for managers of large corporations. The common good is a concept that is talked ...
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Using Good and Cooperative Governance to Improve Environmental Governance of South African World Heritage Sites: a case stu... South Africa became a signatory to and ratified the World Heritage Convention, 1972 (WHC) in 1997. It thereby voluntarily agreed to id...
The nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Turkey (BRICS-T) have yet to find a satisfactory answer to the problem of how to reduce environmental pollution in their environments significantly. Using panel data from 1990 to 2022, this study analyzes the dynamic relationship ...