Good Design 与 Bad Design GoodDesign与BadDesign ——关于那些纸盒包装设计 何为“好包装”?包装是指用于盛放货品的容器及其包扎物。包装不仅具有充当产品保护的功能,还具有积极的促销作用,要使包装起到后一种作用,在包装设计上就要遵循“目、理、好”原则。“目”即醒目。包装要起到促销的作用,首先要能引起...
欢迎来到《设计红黑榜》,这是由Design Doc制作的一档讨论游戏中菜单、UI、UX、色彩搭配、字体选择、动画效果和角色设计等视觉传达要素的系列节目。本集的内容将包括:独立游戏《向左一点》围绕格式塔原则展开的谜题和交互设计;《赛道狂飙》违背直觉、缺乏统一性的菜单布局;《小丑牌》的动效设计,以及《致命公司》通过...
whilst bright is subdued enough to enhance the content, rather than distract from it. The brightest colors are in the top-center of the design, drawing in the users eye. The bright colors are relevant to the site’s purpose, and give life to the website’s design. ...
Code-Smells refer to design situations that may adversely affect the maintenance of software. They make a system difficult to change, which may in turn introduce bugs. Code-smells are detected, in general, using quality metrics that formalize some symptoms based on detection rules. We propose in... 欢迎来到《设计红黑榜》,这是由Design Doc制作的一档讨论游戏中菜单、UI、UX、色彩搭配、字体选择、动画效果和角色设计等视觉传达要素的系列节目。本集的内容将包括:《暗喻幻想》出色的艺术指导;《塞尔达传说:智慧的再现》中偷懒设计的道具切换菜单;《巴别塔...
Good Logo vs Bad Logo Design and How it can Affect your Business. Having a logo that is eye-catching and unique is the only way to survive.
Explore some examples of UX design decisions and visualize the differences between good UX design and bad UX design and the impact they can have on users.
When the design student showed me his sketches, he was showing me that he was a designer. All creative, talented people recognize the value of process, and have no concerns about revealing to others that it takes many bad ideas to obtain good ones. You want the bad ideas to come out ...
A hypothetical design for the operator-interface of your patient monitoring system might look like this. The nurse enters the patient information into a form on the system's computerized display. Next, the computer presents the nurse with a series of screens that show the system's alarm and ...
1. 品味和能力 一个设计者最需要的就是好的品味(Taste)。当我们说一个人品味好的时候,常是指这个人的"审美"好,或者这个人善于发现"美"。但是一个人有好的品味,往往不是因为他善于发现“美”,而是因为他善于识别“丑”。当一个人识别出丑陋的事物,并且对这种丑无法忍受的时候,他自然就会选择那些美的东西。