This is a bad idea, but it makes us think more carefully than usual about properties of Abstracts. This paper describes BadIdeas, a collection of techniques that uses ‘bad’ or ‘silly’ ideas to inspire creativity, explore design domains and teach critical thinking in interaction design. We ...
We describe the approach, some evidence, how it is performed in practice and experience in its use. Keywords Bad ideas, design fixation, creativity and innovation, critical thinking, lateral thinking 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Why Bad is the new Good The focus of HCI has moved from evaluation and ...
I will talk about two different ways in which things that appear bad, may actually do you good. The first part is about BadIdeas, a technique used over a number of years to encourage technical creativity and innovation. As well as the technique itself, I will talk about some of the ...
The ‘Bad’ section provides some understanding of design components that consumers perceive as a hinderance, either to their desired use of a product or to reduce food waste, and which need to be more carefully considered by packaging designers. Finally, the ‘Ugly’ section explores some of ...