Good Cop, Bad Cop: Com Garry McFadden, Steven Goard, Rachel Lewis, Alexander Pennecke. Describes officers' efforts to solve a challenging murder case that has a shocking twist: the murderer is a fellow law enforcement officer.
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What is the Spanish language plot outline for Handcuffs (2023)? Answer See more gaps Learn more about contributing Edit page More from this title Taglines Plot keywords Parents guide List Staff Picks: What to Watch in March See our picks ...
Good Cop, Bad Cop: Con Garry McFadden, Steven Goard, Rachel Lewis, Alexander Pennecke. Descrive gli sforzi degli agenti per risolvere un difficile caso di omicidio che ha una svolta scioccante: l'assassino è un collega delle forze dell'ordine.
这次访台事件,白宫和国会似乎也达成了某种意义上的默契,国会议长扮演 bad cop,白宫扮演 good cop,唱起了双簧。 所以王冠这句“This is Washington playing good cop bad cop”言简意赅、一语中的。 王冠是英语高手,发音地道,而且说英...
2023 年 1 月 20 日 ,由英国组织 engage with china 筹划,英国柴郡高中 the grange school主办,来自 8个国家的 200多名学生参加了以气候变化为主题的模拟联合国线上会议。长春外国语学校一直重视对学生 “国家意识,国际视野”的培养,...
英文中,好警察/坏警察(good cop bad cop)原本是指审讯时用的一种心理战术。Good cop/bad cop在汉语里相对应的就是“唱红脸/白脸”。
The twenty-first Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris was a good COP in contrast to COP15 in Copenhagen, which will remain in history as the low point in climate policy. COP21 demonstrated unprecedented global collaboration when...