Game on BGG 4th Edition and Zombies Expansion Good Cop Bad Cop: Undercover Crowdfunding Free 16+ 4-8 10m - 30m 7.0 29h Leave your badge and uniform at home as you go undercover as a common criminal to get to the bottom of who's honest and who's crooked. The world...
Game on BGG 4th Edition and Zombies Expansion Good Cop Bad Cop: Promoted Crowdfunding Free 16+ 4-8 30m - 1.5h 7.7 196h Earn medals by helping your team achieve victory. Get enough medals and you'll get promoted. Use your promotion powers to take unique and powerful action...
BGG 平均分數: 7.40 Image: List price:HK$110.00 Price:HK$110.00 Weight:0.31 lb URL: Catalog: 新到貨物(New Arrival) 最新文章 On Tour (Included 8 maps) lovehanghanghang ...
6.7 出版年份 2014 游戏简介 BGG分类 唬骗,卡牌游戏,推理,聚会游戏,间谍/秘密特工 游戏机制 手牌管理,记忆,组队,玩家淘汰,直接攻击 出版社 Broadway Toys LTD,Ediciones Primigenio,Fullcap Games,Magellan,Mandala Jogos,Overworld Games 设计师 Dwayne Biddix ...
The Dice Tower - Good Cop Bad Cop: Traitors and Bombers Review - with Tim Jennette Good Cop Bad Cop: Bombers and Traitors Preview UndeadViking Videos - Good Cop Bad Cop: Bombers and Traitors - 5 minutes to teach, 10 minutes to learn to hate your lying friends Bower's Game Corner: Bomb...
integrity sha512-Z7tMw1ytTXt5jqMcOP+OQteU1VuNK9Y02uuJtKQ1Sv69jXQKKg5cibLwGJow8yzZP+eAc18EmLGPal0bp36rvQ== astring@^1.6.0: - version "1.8.1" - resolved "" - integrity sha512-Aj3mbwVzj7Vve4I/v2JYOPFkCGM2YS7OqQTNSxmUR...
BGG正版桌游 桌游 无间风云 简介 贪污及腐败正在渗入警局,尽快,赶在探长被反叛者杀死之前,拿下敌方的主谋首领,别担心,你并不是孤军奋战,但是你并不知道身边的警员是敌是友……一个警局里面因为传闻有贪污的警察,所以从上级单位派来探员,假扮为一般的员警,平时一起执行勤务,私底下要观察各个人的行为举止,必要的...
integrity sha512-Z7tMw1ytTXt5jqMcOP+OQteU1VuNK9Y02uuJtKQ1Sv69jXQKKg5cibLwGJow8yzZP+eAc18EmLGPal0bp36rvQ== astring@^1.6.0: - version "1.8.1" - resolved "" - integrity sha512-Aj3mbwVzj7Vve4I/v2JYOPFkCGM2YS7OqQTNSxmUR...
The world of Good Cop Bad Cop expands with new roles, equipments and victory conditions. Opposing teams must momentarily put their differences aside as they work together to defeat the traitors and ... Play Good Cop Bad Cop: Bombers and Traitors board ga