My own issues were not related to my innards so much as blowing out my knee and all the carbs. I’ve now lost over 10% of my total weight as I work away at being better to myself. Others haven’t been so lucky. All the best for the Polk as he goes forward. This stuff isn...
a grey, dark, cold time of year is also inexorably bound with resolutions to lose weight. It’s entirely illogical: your body is bound up in layer upon chunky layer of clothing, and all you want to eat is comforting, stodgy carbs. Far ...
Like many other things we eat (carbs! red meat! soy!) saturated fat is… controversial. But in order to make informed food choices for yourself and your family—or if you’re a coach, help your clients do the same—you want some clarity. Here’s the truth about saturated fat. ++++...