Bad carbs are bad for you because your body is not able to process these types of carbohydrates as easily as natural carbs. Your body evolved to eat a variety of natural foods high in fiber, natural sugars and natural carbohydrates. Highly processed carbohydrates and foods that contain processed...
Carbs are broken down by the body and turned into glucose, which is in turn used as brain fuel. This fuel is then used to advocate for both better short-term and long-term memory functions. The common misconception that carbs are unhealthy or may cause weight gain is just that – a ...
Over the past few decades, there’s been a trend for ‘cutting carbs’ fuelled by diets such as Atkins, Keto, Dukan to name a few, as well as phrases such as ‘no carbs before marbs!’ or ‘carbs make you fat’. Many of these phrases and diets have confused people with the ...
Carbs (like rice) and weight loss You can eat rice and still lose weight—as long as you maintain a calorie deficit. The amount of rice you eat determines whether you gain or lose weight, not the rice itself. Pair rice with foods low in calorie density and high in dietary fiber and p...
Grain-free diets are all the rage right now, but, are carbs really that bad? Find out how to make the right choice for your health and wellbeing
Mass gainers may be a good source of extra calories and protein if you are trying to build muscle during periods of intense training. However, if you’re trying to gain only lean muscle mass, whey protein may be a better option for you. Typically, the carbs to protein ratio in mass ...
Nutrient imbalance is another concern for eating too many potatoes.Although they are a great source of fiber and carbs, they lack high protein and other essential vitamins. It’s important to remember to balance your diet by eating potatoes with other foods as well ...
It is not the carbohydrates themselves but the type and quantity of carbs you eat that result in weight gain as many carbs contain excess sugar and calories. For examples, desserts, white bread, rice, pasta, snacks like chips, crackers, and pretzels. In these refined carbs, the outside of...
We've tested the best meal delivery services to make dinner a doddle - including COOK, Mindful Chef and more, for when you don't have time to cook
Carbohydrates or 'carbs' are an essential part of a healthy balanced diet. The main types are fiber, starch, and sugar. The problem with the modern Western diet is that we tend to eat too many - especially sugar. This can cause weight gain, fatigue, and potential health issues such a ...