Good behavior game (GBG) is a promising school-based behavior management program, having shown immediate reductions in conduct problems along with several long-term positive effects. Adapting interventions to new contexts may however affect their effectiveness. The current study aims ...
1. Decide on the schedule of the game. The teacher specifies which periods of the class day will the game be played. It is usually at those times when the class is expected to exhibit appropriate behavior like during independent seat work, math activities, etc. ...
A good-behavior game was implemented in a fifth-grade reading class consisting of two groups of 14 students each. After the presentation of the game, reversal and component analysis phases were instituted. Game components included rules, lights (response feedback), and group consequences of extra...
This action research project sought to review the relevant literature and determine what interventions an educational institution would find suitable to reshape a student's maladaptive behavior into behavior that is not detrimental to the classroom environment. Over the course of a year-long observation...
The Good Behavior Game (GBG), a type of interdependent group-oriented contingency management procedure, was first introduced in 1969 and has been used with overwhelming success in classrooms and other settings. Since its inception, the "game" has utilized team competition and peer influence combined...
This paper describes the culture and components of the PAX Good Behavior Game and offers it as one model for how to enhance the well-being of populations t
A form of a group-oriented contingency that focuses on desirable behaviors is a positive variation of the Good Behavior Game (GBG). The GBG has been used widely in its original form, focusing on undesirable behaviors, and more research is needed on its positive version. Another strategy that ...
摘要: The Good Behavior Game (GBG) is a classroom behavior management strategy with origins in the field of applied behavior analysis that has been shown to not only reduce disruptive classroom behavior...关键词: Classroom behavior Classroom disruption Elementary education Student disruption DOI: ...
The Good Behavior Game (GBG) is a classroom behavior management strategy focused on socializing children to the role of student and aimed at reducing early aggressive, disruptive behavior, a confirmed antecedent to service use. The GBG was tested in a randomized field trial in 19 elementary school...
The Good Behavior Game, a classroom management procedure, was examined for its effects on the frequency of inappropriate verbalizations in grade four and six regular classes. Results indicated that the game reduced inappropriate responding in both classrooms and that the use of candy did not augment...