Good behavior gameGroup contingencyTreatment integrityThe good behavior game (GBG) is a class-wide contingency management strategy that involves rewarding teams who engage in low levels of disruptive behavior. The GBG has been found to be effective with neuro-typical individuals from preschool to high...
The PAX system grew out of efforts to strengthen social supports for the implementation of the Good Behavior Game. The Good Behavior Game (GBG) was originally developed by Barrish, Saunders, and Wolfe (1969). In that study, children in a classroom were divided into two teams, each of which...
The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of the Good Behavior Game utilizing ClassDojo on classwide academically engaged and disruptive behavior. A withdrawal design was used to evaluate the effects of the intervention on the behavior of students in four seventh and eighth grade ...
1. Decide on the schedule of the game. The teacher specifies which periods of the class day will the game be played. It is usually at those times when the class is expected to exhibit appropriate behavior like during independent seat work, math activities, etc. ...
Chapter 2: Literature Review The Good Behavior Game: An Oldie but a Goodie Many teachers, especially new teachers, struggle with off-task behaviors in the...
This action research project sought to review the relevant literature and determine what interventions an educational institution would find suitable to reshape a student's maladaptive behavior into behavior that is not detrimental to the classroom environment. Over the course of a year-long observation...
The Good Behavior Game (GBG) is a classroom behavior management strategy focused on socializing children to the role of student and aimed at reducing early aggressive, disruptive behavior, a confirmed antecedent to service use. The GBG was tested in a randomized field trial in 19 elementary school...
A form of a group-oriented contingency that focuses on desirable behaviors is a positive variation of the Good Behavior Game (GBG). The GBG has been used widely in its original form, focusing on undesirable behaviors, and more research is needed on its positive version. Another strategy that ...
A good-behavior game was implemented in a fifth-grade reading class consisting of two groups of 14 students each. After the presentation of the game, reversal and component analysis phases were instituted. Game components included rules, lights (response feedback), and group consequences of extra...
Although the Good Behavior Game possesses a long history of effective use in the research literature, there is a significant void in the literature related to the effective use of this strategy at the secondary education level as well as with students identified with emotional and behavioral ...