Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends. Above them, her thick black brows slanted upward, cutting a startling oblique line in her magnolia-white skin—that skin so prized by Southern women and so carefully guarded...
came into her life—the year, too, when youth and her black-eyed cousin, Philippe Robillard, went out of it. For when Philippe, with his snapping eyes and his wild ways, left Savannah forever, he took with him the glow that was in Ellen’s heart and left for the bandy-legged little...
Gone with the Wind Txt下载 加入收藏 移动设备扫码阅读 CHAPTER XLVII SCARLETT SAT in her bedroom, picking at the supper tray Mammy had brought her, listening to the wind hurling itself out of the night. The house was frighteningly still, quieter even than when Frank had lain in the parlor ...
After supper had been cleared away, Scarlett and Mammy spread patterns on the dining-room table while Suellen and Carreen busily ripped satin linings from curtains and Melanie brushed the velvet with a clean hairbrush to remove the dust. Gerald, Will and Ashley sat about the room smoking, smi...
"Miss Scarlett, Poke done tole me how you ast Mist' Gerald to buy me. And so I'm gwine give you my Prissy fo' yo' own maid." She reached behind her and jerked the little girl forward. She was a brown little creature, with skinny legs like a bird and a myriad of pigtails ...
Swarms of children, black and white, ran yelling about the newly green lawn, playing hopscotch and tag and boasting how much they were going to eat. The wide hall which ran from front to back of the house was swarming with people, and as the O’Hara carriage drew up at the front ...
《Gone with the Wind.1939.(乱世佳人、飘)》英中字幕.doc 玛格丽特米契尔之 老南方的故事 片名:乱世佳人(又名:飘) 克拉克盖博…瑞德?巴特勒 费雯丽…凯蒂?斯卡莉?沃郝纳 莱斯利霍华…艾希礼?卫尔克斯 奥丽薇亚德哈维蓝…梅兰妮.汉密尔顿 制片:大卫塞茲尼克 编剧:席尼霍华 导演:维多弗莱明 这是一片骑士与棉花园...
“12 Years a Slave”), is happening for good reason: “It doesn’t just ‘fall short’ with regard to representation,” hepointed out in an op-ed in this newspaper. “When it is not ignoring the horrors of slavery, [“Gone With the Wind”] pauses only to perpetuate some of the ...
(Tara is the beautiful homeland of Scarlett, who is now talking with the twins, Brent and Stew, at the door step.) BRENT: What do we care if we were expelled from college, Scarlett The war is going to start anyday now so we would have left college anyhow. STEW: Oh, isn't it ...
195.Gone with the Wind 196.Yvette 197.For Stompers Only 198.I May Be Wrong 199.Bouncing with Bud 200.52nd Street Theme 201.Dance of the Infidels 202.I've Got You Under My Skin 203.Wail 204.Let's Fall in Love 205.Little White Lies 206.I'll Remember April 207.I Get a Kick out ...