Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists likeleuprorelin acetateandgoserelin acetateand gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists such asdegarelixand aralix induce near-total central suppression ofgonadotropinsand ultimately testosterone production andspermatogenesis. These agents are used to treatprostate can...
In recent studies in rats using a double-labeled immunocytochemical technique, lamprey GnRH-III neurons not only were observed in regions that control FSH release but also were colocalized with mammalian GnRH neurons in areas primarily controlling LH release. These studies used indirect techniques with...
It is used in the treatment of en- dometriosis (p.2091) in oral doses of 2.5 mg twice weekly; the first dose is taken on the first day of the menstrual cycle with the second dose taken three days later; thereafter the doses should be taken on the same two days of each week, ...
(IVF). If a GnRH agonist is used, it can be initiated either in the midluteal phase or in the earlyfollicular phasein conjunction with gonadotropins. Therapy is continued untilhuman chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) is administered.GnRH antagonistscan also be used to suppress the LH surge in IVF ...