gold medal 美 英 n.金牌;金质奖章 网络金奖;金牌奖;金奖章 复数:gold medals 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 gold.medal 显示所有例句 n. 1. 金牌;金质奖章a medal made of gold that is given to the winner of a race or competition
She prophesied that she would win agold medal. 她预言自己将赢得金牌。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 It was an unbelievable moment when Chris won thegold medal. 克里斯赢得金牌的那一刻令人不可思议。 柯林斯例句 The national heroine of the day was Xing Fen, winner of the firstGold medalof the Gam...
1. 金牌;金质奖章a medal made of gold that is given to the winner of a race or competition 例句 释义: 全部,金牌,金质奖章 更多例句筛选 1. I'll be one of those athletes who've achieved what they wanted, but you know it's not all about the gold medal for me. 我会成为少数能够达成...
goldmedal金牌(gold medal)是表彰卓越表现或最高成就的象征性荣誉,通常由镀金材质制成,其核心意义在于精神价值而非物质成分。下文将从定义、材质、象征意义及语言用法等方面展开说明。 一、金牌的定义与材质特点 金牌是竞赛或活动中颁发给获胜者的荣誉标志,其外观以金色为主。虽然名称中带有“金...
Choose Gold Medal for all your concession equipment and supply needs, from popcorn and cotton candy machines to concession supplies, resources and more.
Choose Gold Medal for all your concession equipment and supply needs, from popcorn and cotton candy machines to concession supplies, resources and more.
国际奥委会要求“金牌”里面至少92.5%都是银,所以从组成成分角度是“银牌”。可毕竟还有百分之一点的金,所以还是叫gold medal。若是叫golden medal,则感觉是一点金都没有,只是像金的牌牌。golden在c.1300使用之初的本来含义是made of gold。golden的古英语(公元1150年之前)版是gyldan,即此表达已经使用很久了...
Choose Gold Medal for all your concession equipment and supply needs, from popcorn and cotton candy machines to concession supplies, resources and more.
'Gold medal'是体育赛事中授予冠军的最高奖项,也可用于比喻其他领域的顶尖成就。其实际材质以银为主,含少量黄金,并具有独特的文化象征意义。以下是详细解析: 一、定义与象征意义 在体育竞赛中,金牌代表比赛的最高荣誉,颁发给冠军选手或团队。例如,奥运会、世界杯等国际赛事均以金牌作为优胜者...
gold medals 释义 n. 金质奖章,金牌( gold medal的名词复数 ) 实用场景例句 全部 He entered for many competitions, winning severalgold medals. 他参加过多次比赛,赢得了数枚金牌。 柯林斯例句 Chinese good athletes won 148gold medalsin the 11 th Asian Games....