gold medal point是什么意思“gold medal point”是体育竞技领域中常用的术语,特指比赛中直接影响胜负、决定能否获得金牌的关键性得分或时刻。这一概念强调对赛事结果的重大影响,通常与选手的策略、技术或心理素质密切相关。 核心定义与使用场景 “gold medal point”字面意义...
“gold medal point”翻译为中文是“金牌得分点”或“夺金关键点”。 应用场景: 这个短语通常用于体育竞技领域,特别是在描述决定比赛胜负、能否获得金牌的关键因素或时刻。 造句例句: 英文:The last jump was his gold medal point, and he nailed it perfectly. 中文:最后一跳是他的夺金关键点,他完成得非常完...
gold medal point翻译“gold medal point”可译为“金牌得分点”或“夺金关键点”,具体含义需结合语境选择。前者更适用于强调考试或竞争中直接影响最终成绩的核心要素,后者则突出在赛事或任务中决定胜负的关键环节。例如在教育领域,若分析某类题型的解题策略时,“金牌得分点”可...
GOLD MEDAL POINT 奥运会独有的GOLD MEDAL POINT 令四大满贯也黯然失色,出来小酌两杯庆祝夺金、金满贯![庆祝][烟花] #酒鬼打卡计划新店 紅Hong show·catwalk(四海城店) ¥231/人 番禺区 长隆/南村 Live House 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 63人赞说点什么吧......
金牌点(Golden Medal Point)指在奥运会等重大赛事中直接决定金牌归属的关键得分,通常出现在决胜局或赛点的最后一刻。这一概念常见于排球、乒乓球、羽毛球等对抗性项目中,象征着运动员距离冠军仅一步之遥的极限压力时刻。 一、定义与核心特征 金牌点特指比赛进程中能够直接终结比赛、为...
• Jeff Rouse ignored the gold medal and played with the silver ring.• In 1807 he received the gold medal of the Society of Arts, Commerce, and Manufactures, for his agricultural innovations.Explore Sport Topic medallist box block backspin linesman whistle umpire event point ...
Why choose Gold Medal Systems Welcome here The whole point of our company is to make Games Management simple. View GEMS Pick up the pace with GEMS - the world's fastest and easiest Games Management Software Learn More You are in good hands...
"The historic victory belongs to our whole team, and is the dream of all our Chinese artistic swimming for several generations. The gold medal carries more significance to us. It is the closest opportunity to touch the top podium, we really did not want to miss the boat," Feng said. ...
一些值得纪念的时刻看到gold medal point的时候感觉血压都上来了大头,用生命换金牌太重了,拍子替你换啦
Gold medal point!🏅莎头 û收藏 转发 1 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... Ü 简介: 自在的疏离感 更多a 微关系 她的关注(313) 娱千千 -杨笠- 微博红包 陶白白Sensei 她的粉丝(314) 用户7211781577 没相处更好的昵称...