[+] Building1.3s (3/3) FINISHED docker:default=> [internal] load .dockerignore0.0s=> => transferring context: 2B0.0s=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile0.0s=> => transferring dockerfile: 126B0.0s=> ERROR [internal] load metadatafordocker.io/library/golang:latest1.3s--- ...
我正在编写一个脚本,想以自动化的方式下载golang的最新版本,但是目前golang的镜像是把所有的版本都直接镜像过来,没有类似于latest这样标签的版本。是否可以增加一个latest标签的golang版本,或者官方有提供一个https://go.dev/VERSION?m=text 接口可以获取到最新的版本号,但是网络原因并不一定能稳定获取到,是不是可以...
【Golang】no matching versions for query “latest“ 虽然看到有些旧项目直接通过require可以用,但是如果latest的包对 go.mod 修改过,比如变成v2之类的,例如下面这个项目,他是 workd的。 但是这依然不代表你可以这么用,最好用replace一下,跟引用的依赖保持一致,如图一,这样就可以用了。
Golang Latest VersionIntroglv is a simple bash script to manage Go versions and GOPATH settings.Installcurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/glv-go/glv/master/glv | bash How to useUsage: glv [OPTION]... Options: -i, --install Install/Update Golang -s, --setgopath Set GOPATH -h,...
当前最新的 golang 版本是 1.22.0,2024/02/06发布,链接:https://go.dev/doc/devel/release#go1.22.0 openEuler 目前主线版本为 1.21.4,2023/11/07发布,可以考虑升级。 fuowang 创建了任务 10个月前 openeuler-ci-bot 拥有者 10个月前 Hi fuowang, welcome to the openEuler Community. I'm the Bot...
To install latest version of golang on Ubuntu 1. wget https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz 2. tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz 3.vim ~/.bashrc export GOPATH=/opt/go export GOROOT=/usr/local/go...
created a new "dictionary" package plugged it in another package "handlers" both packages are in the "internal" folder $ go build go: finding api.git/internal/dictionary latest go: finding api.git/internal latest build api.git: cannot lo...
We have a lot of collection of Golang project with source code. Kashipara is only one website for student that download source code with proper docs. All these source code with porper documents for Beginner, Advanced and Skilled devlopers. These project
针对你提供的stderr错误信息 "go: golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest: module golang.org/x/tools/go",我们可以从以下几个方面进行分析和解答: 理解错误信息: 错误信息表明在尝试获取golang.org/x/tools/gopls模块的@latest版本时遇到了问题。 具体的错误部分似乎被截断了,因为通常stderr输出会包含更详细的错...
Use latest version of golang 1.13 in CI (#465) Browse files CircleCI has golang images without the patch versions which contain the latest patch version of golang. That way we do not need to remember to update the CI config on every patch release....