release, err := upgrade.LatestRelease(releasesURL, Version)iferr !=nil{ l.Fatalln("Upgrade:", err) }ifupgrade.CompareVersions(release.Tag, Version) <=0{ noUpgradeMessage :="No upgrade available (current %q >= latest %q)."l.Infof(noUpgradeMessage, Version, release.Tag) os.Exit(exit...
golangci-releaser v1.63.4 c114969 Compare v1.63.4Latest golangci-lintis a free and open-source project built by volunteers. If you value it, consider supporting us, themaintainersandlinter authors. We appreciate it! ️ For key updates, see thechangelog. ...
This marks theptypespackage as deprecated and upgrades the dependency a pre-release version of v1.26.0. A subsequent patch release will update the dependency tov1.26.0proper. Notable changes (#1217) ptypes: deprecate the package ...
2.手动修改go.mod 其中latest 为最新版本,GoLand 会去下载最新依赖代码,下载成功后会修改go.mod并且生成go.sum依赖分析文件。 代码语言:javascript 复制 module go1.12require( latest latest latest) 3....
恰好前几天 Golang 放出来 1.15 的正式版,因为我在 Dockerfile 里使用 golang:alpine 作为标签,并没有明确版本,相当于是 latest,也就是最新版 1.15,所以触发了问题。知道了问题的缘由后,解决方法就简单了,两种方法: 改用golang:1.14-alpine3.12 这种有版本的标签绕开问题版本。
开发版latest 版本0.17.4 版本0.17.3 版本0.17.2 版本0.17.1 版本0.17.0 缘起 昔者,吾日志中心之事,恒用传统三件套,曰ELK,然岁月流转,如行舟江河,难免潮涌沉浮,不维其盛,则不足以久存。故见诸多不如意,如定制之难,如索引之弗易,如初启之迟缓如蜗牛,如操作之陌生如他邦,如资甚之贪婪如饕餮之兽,如崩溃之...
gopls-release-branch.0.9 internal-branch.go1.19-vendor gopls-release-branch.0.8 internal-branch.go1.18-vendor gopls-release-branch.0.7 internal-branch.go1.17-vendor gopls-release-branch.0.6 internal-branch.issue43628 internal-branch.go1.16-vendor ...
在下文中一共展示了LatestRelease函数的5个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的Golang代码示例。 示例1: restGetUpgrade ▲点赞 9▼ funcrestGetUpgrade(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ ...
然后说最好的方式是什么什么……结果我一想……这就是 Rust 的错误处理方式呀……
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