In this form, indices can appear in any orderand some may be omitted; as before, unspecified values take on the zero value for the element type. For instance, r := [...]int{9: -1}//it defines any array r with 100 elements, all zero except for the last ,which has value -1 示...
In this form, indices can appear in any orderand some may be omitted; as before, unspecified values take on the zero value for the element type. For instance, r := [...]int{9: -1}//it defines any array r with 100 elements, all zero except for the last ,which has value -1 示...
In the code example, we initialize an array with array literal. The values are given their index; the rest of the array elements are given 0 value. $ go run main.go [0 6 7 0 9] Infering array length Go can infer the array length when using array literals. For this, we use the ...
1funcmain(){2vardata=[]byte(`{"status": 200}`)3varresult map[string]interface{}45iferr:=json.Unmarshal(data,&result);err!=nil{6log.Fatalln(err)7}89fmt.Printf("%T\n",result["status"])// float6410varstatus=result["status"].(int)// 类型断言错误11fmt.Println("Status value: ",st...
IntArray[]int StringArray[]string}dataMap:=map[string]string{"int_value":"1","string_value":"str","int_array":"[1,2,3]","string_array":"[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\"]",}config:=TestValue{}ifvalue,ok:=dataMap["int_value"];ok{config.IntValue,_=datautil.TransToInt64(value)}ifva...
// SafeCounter 是一个线程安全的计数器typeSafeCounterstruct{vmap[string]intmux sync.Mutex} // Inc 增加计数func(c *SafeCounter)Inc(keystring){c.mux.Lock()c.v[key]++c.mux.Unlock()} // Value 获取计数func(c *SafeCounter)Value(keystring)int{c.mux...
go 中 reflect 机制涉及到 2 个类型,reflect.Type 和 reflect.Value,reflect.Type 是一个 Interface,其不在本章介绍范围内。 reflect.Value 定义位于value.go、type.go,其定义与 eface 类似: type Value struct { typ *rtype // type._type ptr unsafe.Pointer flag } // rtype must be kept in sync...
go key/value存储 基于ringbuffer的无锁golang workpool 轻量级的协程池 打印go的详细数据结构 基于ringbuffer实现的队列
其实初学Go语言首先弄懂基础语法和概念:基本数据类型、Struct、Array、map、Slice、指针、接口、map、内置函数,常用工具包等,还有接口和Slice的底层数据结构。这些不需要弄特别懂,能自己理解并自己描述我觉得就可以了,关键在实践和应用练习。 然后学文件操作、网络编程、锁、协程、对象序列化和反序列化,以及各种数据格式...
= reflect.Array { panic("in/not in 操作传入的数据必须是切片或者数组") } //反射值 v := reflect.ValueOf(data[2]) //数组/切片长度 dataNum := v.Len() //占位符 ps := make([]string, dataNum) for i := 0; i < dataNum; i++ { ps[i] = "?" e.WhereExec = append(e.Where...