flag.Parse() fmt.Printf("Hello %s\n", name) } The example takes the user's name from the command-line. $ go run stringvar.go Hello guest $ go run stringvar.go -name Peter Hello Peter Go flag.PrintDefaults Theflag.PrintDefaultsdefault values of all defined command-line flags in the set...
flag.IntVar(&num, "num", 0, "An integer command line parameter") flag.Parse() fmt.Printf("The value of num is: %d\n", num) } ``` 以上就是一个完整的处理命令行参数的示例代码,通过运行程序并在命令行中传入参数值,可以看到程序输出相应的结果。 ### 总结 通过本文的介绍,相信你已经了解了...
Parse() parses the command-line flags from os.Args[1:]. Must be called after all flags are defined and before flags are accessed by the program. func Arg(i int) string func Args() []string 1. 2. Arg returns the i'th command-line argument. Arg(0) is the first remaining argument ...
varsvarstringflag.StringVar(&svar,"svar","bar","a string var")//所有标志都声明完成以后,调用 flag.Parse() 来执行命令行解析。flag.Parse()//这里我们将仅输出解析的选项以及后面的位置参数。注意,我们需要使用类似 *wordPtr 这样的语法来对指针解引用,从而得到选项的实际值。fmt.Println("word:", *word...
signal := flag.String("s", "", "send signal to daemon") handler := func(sig os.Signal) error { log.Println("signal:", sig) if sig == syscall.SIGTERM { return ErrStop } return nil } func main() { flag.Parse() // Define command: command-line arg, system signal and handler ...
Name string // name as it appears on command line Usage string // help message Value Value // value as set DefValue string // default value (as text); for usage message } flag的使用规则是:首先定义flag(定义的flag会被解析),然后使用Parse()解析flag,解析后已定义的flag可以直接使用,未定义的...
# bingoo @ 192 in ~/GitHub/loglineparser on git:master x [12:40:02]$ go mod why gopkg.in/yaml.v2# gopkg.in/yaml.v2github.com/bingoohuang/loglineparsergithub.com/araddon/dateparsegithub.com/araddon/dateparse.testgithub.com/simplereach/timeutilsgopkg.in/mgo.v2/bsongopkg.in/mgo.v2/...
固定用法,定义好参数后,通过调用flag.Parse()来对命令行参数进行解析写入注册的flag里,进而解析获取参数值,通过查看源码中也是调用的os.Args 源码路径go/src/flag/flag.go 代码语言:javascript 复制 // Parse parses the command-line flags from os.Args[1:]. Must be called// after all flags are defined...
func main() { // Parse command line arguments. inputFile := os.Args[1] // Add proper command line argument parsing. // Read file header to determine audio format and extract relevant information. // ... // Read DSP configuration. // ... // Build DSP configuration settings. // .....
In principle, this means that any program is free to parse the command line string any way it wants, using any quoting rules it wants. In practice, most programs use the CommandLineToArgv function to parse command line arguments, so Go's os/exec package quotes the argument array in such a...