simple Golang command-line parser, if you don't need some fancy features, just guá it. - wrfly/gua
Kingpin is afluent-style, type-safe command-line parser. It supports flags, nested commands, and positional arguments. Install it with: $ go get It looks like this: var(verbose=kingpin.Flag("verbose","Verbose mode.").Short('v').Bool()name=kingpin.Arg("na...
argparse - Command line argument parser inspired by Python’s argparse module. argv - Go library to split command line string as arguments array using the bash syntax. cli - Feature-rich and easy to use command-line package based on golang struct tags. cli - Simple and complete API for bu...
1. 2.语法分析器Parser 语法分析的输入就是词法分析器输出的 Token 序列,然后将编程语言的所有生产规则映射到对应的方法上,这些方法构成的树形结构最终会返回一个抽象语法树(go源文件)。 "json.go": SourceFile { PackageName: "json", ImportDecl: []Import{ "io", }, TopLevelDecl: ... } 1. 2. 3...
# bingoo @ 192 in ~/GitHub/loglineparser on git:master x [12:40:02]$ go mod why
goexp - Recursive descent expression parser in Go goastch - Go AST 语法解析 tdop swallow Anko Expr - 编译&执行字符串中的表达式 Tengo - 用 Go 编写的脚本语言 V - Go 编写的语言 kumarUjjawal/bison Monkey govaluate Compiler - 将自定义语法代码编译成 X86-64 Assembly elvish - 交互式 Shell 语言...
func(p*ClassParser)parseDirectory(directoryPath string)error{fs:=token.NewFileSet()result,err:=parser.ParseDir(fs,directoryPath,nil,0)for_,v:=range result{p.parsePackage(v) 它调用了golang源码的解析器,解析每个目录下的.go文件,返回包名到抽象语法树的映射。
module domains # - blocked: modules: # List of blocked modules # - # Blocked module # recommendations: # Recommended modules that should be used instead (Optional) # - # reason: "`mod` is the official go.mod parser library....
and ? and sex=? order by id desc limit ?,? 解决办法: 在使用前,先处理一次,使用replace将反引号去掉 对于sql归一化,业内还有很多工具,例如: 1、tidb sql parser 2、jsqlparser 3、druid ,示例可以参考这篇 考虑到java启动比较慢,推荐使用文本的percona方案或者tidb的方案。