value)}else{fmt.Println("Convert to int failed")}// 断言将接口值转换为string类型,输出:Conver...
大多数情况下,我们只需要 int 一种整型即可,它可以用于循环计数器(for 循环中控制循环次数的变量)、数组和切片的索引,以及任何通用目的的整型运算符,通常 int 类型的处理速度也是最快的。 用来表示 Unicode 字符的 rune 类型和 int32 类型是等价的,通常用于表示一个 Unicode 码点。这两个名称可以互换使用。同样,...
str :=string(value)//convert rune to stringfmt.Printf("string(%v)=>%s \n",value,str) } ---OutPut--- 一个汉字占三个字节 character'G'typeisint32value is71, and start atbyteposition0string(71)=>G character'o'typeisint32value is111, and start atbyteposition1string(111)=>o characte...
需要注意的是for+rang遍历string时得到的是字节索引位置和UTF-8格式rune类型数据(int32)。 for pos, value := range "Go在中国" { fmt.Printf("character '%c' type is %T value is %v, and start at byte position %d \n", value,value,value, pos) str :=string(value) //convert rune to stri...
Rune in Golang Pointer Pointer in Golang Pointer to a Pointer in Golang * or dereferencing pointer in Golang Pointer Arithmetic in Golang Default zero value of pointer in Golang IOTA IOTA in Golang Convert an IOTA or Enum to a string in Go (Golang) ...
将字符串转换为字节片或符文片,反之亦然,除了一些特殊的编译器优化情况。(convert strings to byte or rune slices, and vice versa) 将整形转换成字符串。convert integers to strings。 调用内置函数append (当对应的slice的容量(capacity)不够时)。
package main import ( "fmt" ) // Substring function that handles Chinese characters correctly func Substring(s string, start, length int) string { // Convert the string to []rune runes := []rune(s) // Calculate the end index endIndex := start + length if endIndex > len(runes)...
fmt.Println(int(n) *2) // cannot convert n (type bool) to type int } 布尔型无法参与数值运算,也无法与其他类型进行转换。 funcmain() { varv1bool v1 =true fmt.Println(v1) v2 := (1 ==2) fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(v2))
(s string)string{// Convert the string to a rune slice to properly handle multi-byte characters.runes:=[]rune(s)fori,j:=0,len(runes)-1;i<j;i,j=i+1,j-1{// Swap the runes.runes[i],runes[j]=runes[j],runes[i]}// Convert the rune slice back to a string and return it....
We convert the string to a rune slice and then we loop over the slice with a for loop. $ go run loop2.go Char o Unicode: U+006F, Rune pos: 0 Char n Unicode: U+006E, Rune pos: 1 Char e Unicode: U+0065, Rune pos: 2 ...