value)}else{fmt.Println("Convert to int failed")}// 断言将接口值转换为string类型,输出:Conver...
需要注意的是for+rang遍历string时得到的是字节索引位置和UTF-8格式rune类型数据(int32)。 for pos, value := range "Go在中国" { fmt.Printf("character '%c' type is %T value is %v, and start at byte position %d \n", value,value,value, pos) str :=string(value) //convert rune to stri...
forpos, value :=range"Go在中国"{ fmt.Printf("character '%c' type is %T value is %v, and start at byte position %d \n", value,value,value, pos) str :=string(value)//convert rune to stringfmt.Printf("string(%v)=>%s \n",value,str) } ---OutPut--- 一个汉字占三个字节 chara...
i int64, base int) []bytefunc AppendQuote(dst []byte, s string) []bytefunc AppendQuoteRune(dst []byte, r rune) []bytefunc AppendQuoteRuneToASCII(dst []byte, r rune) []bytefunc AppendQuoteRuneToGraphic(dst []byte,
package main import ( "fmt" ) // Substring function that handles Chinese characters correctly func Substring(s string, start, length int) string { // Convert the string to []rune runes := []rune(s) // Calculate the end index endIndex := start + length if endIndex > len(runes)...
// Convert the rune slice back to a string and return it. return string(runes) } 解释: ReverseString函数:该函数接收一个字符串参数并返回其反转值。它将字符串作为 rune 切片而不是字节来处理,这对于正确处理大小可能超过一个字节的 Unicode 字符至关重要。
We convert the string to a rune slice and then we loop over the slice with a for loop. $ go run loop2.go Char o Unicode: U+006F, Rune pos: 0 Char n Unicode: U+006E, Rune pos: 1 Char e Unicode: U+0065, Rune pos: 2 ...
// Append convert e to string and appends to dstfunc Append[E any](dst []byte, e E) []byte {toAppend := fmt.Sprintf("%v", e)return append(dst, []byte(toAppend)...)} 再来看看应用后的效果,修改之前的示例: // append boolb := []byte("bool:")b = conv.Append(b, true)fmt...
因此将敏感词字符串转换成rune类型的数组然后来计算其字符个数 sensitiveWords := []string{"傻逼","傻叉","垃圾","妈的","sb", } text :="什么垃圾打野,傻逼一样,叫你来开龙不来,sb"for_, word :=range sensitiveWords { replaceChar :=""fori, wordLen :=0, len([]rune(word)); i < word...
funcAtoi(sstring)(iint, errerror) AI代码助手复制代码 如果传入的字符串参数无法转换为int类型,就会返回错误。 packagemainimport"fmt"import"strconv"funcmain(){ s1 :="100"i, err := strconv.Atoi(s1)iferr !=nil{ fmt.Println("can't convert to int") ...