We declare an array of strings, having five elements. words[0] = "falcon" words[1] = "sky" words[2] = "earth" words[3] = "cloud" words[4] = "fox" We put five words into the array. fmt.Println(words[0], words[1]) We print the first and the second element of the array....
In the above program, we created an array of stringsstrand also create the pointerptrinitialized with the address ofstr. Then we accessed the strings one by one using the pointer and printed them. Program 3: packagemainimport"fmt"funcmain() {varmatrix = [2][2]int{{1,1}, {2,2}}vari...
if we want to store a list of students, then we can define an array of strings and store all the students in that array. In Go language, we can perform all important operations like comparing two arrays, running a loop on the array and getting length, etc. like operations, we can cr...
* strings.join // Join concatenates the elements of a to create a single string. The separator string // sep is placed between elements in the resulting string. func Join(a []string, sep string) string { switch len(a) { case 0: ...
因为切片的容量为5(也就是底层数组的长度为5),所以第四次修改切片的长度到6时失败,系统返回“invalid slice index 6 (out of bounds for 5-element array)”的错误。 ZerothElement 最后来看组成切片头部的结构体里的最后一组数据ZerothElement。所谓ZerothElement指的是切片所指向(描述)的底层数组的数据里的“第...
Split(string, "-") return strings.Join(res, " ") } func main() { array := []string{"Hello", "world", "!"} fmt.Println("The given array is:", array) fmt.Println("Its type is:", reflect.TypeOf(array)) fmt.Println() result := arrayToString(array) fmt.Pr...
用于表示符合数据类型值的复合字面量,用来构造array、slice、map、struct的值, 例如:{1, 2, 3} 4) 操作符 算术运算符:+、-、*、/、%、++、-- 关系运算符:>、>=、<、<=、==、!= 逻辑运算符:&&、||、! 位运算符:&、|、^、<<、>>、&^ ...
// "strings" // "strconv" ) func main() { var testArray [3]int var numArray = [...]int{1, 2} var cityArray = [...]string{"北京", "上海", "深圳"} fmt.Println(testArray) fmt.Println(numArray) fmt.Printf("type of numArray:%T\n", numArray) ...
into the first positionsliceOfInterface[0] = 1// sliceOfStrings still points to the same array...