Unity and Unreal have some new competition. Meet Godot, a 2D and 3D game engine. Learn what Godot is, and how it compares to engines like Unity and Unreal.
New Here , /t5/substance-3d-plugins-discussions/are-there-any-plans-for-a-godot-engine-plugin/m-p/14398860#M1282 Feb 03, 2024 Feb 03, 2024 Copy link to clipboard Copied In Response To Shwetha23063442qtvs There've been lot of people migrating from Unity to Godot, the am...
Take Unity for example. They came along at a time where, to beginners, they were like a beacon in a dark world without rich visual editors, mired in C++, and arduous platform targeting. Look what happened: the grand majority of Unity devs are incompetent "good enoughs" that aren't good...
Intermediate Techniques for Godot 最受好评 评分:4.6,满分 5 分4.6(386 个评分) 3,769 个学生 创建者Canopy Games,Yann Burrett,Michael Bridges 上次更新时间:7/2020 英语 英语[自动] 当前价格US$59.99 30 天退款保证 本课程包括: 您将会学到