if offset.length()<dis and targetSpeed>0: var turingPoint = positionPool.pop_front() currentDir = turingPoint[0] global_position = turingPoint[1] rotation_degrees = turingPoint[3] hooked = true OnFollowMe.emit(currentDir,targetSpeed,global_position,turingPoint[2],rotation_degrees)...
if offset.length()<dis and targetSpeed>0: var turingPoint = positionPool.pop_front() currentDir = turingPoint[0] global_position = turingPoint[1] rotation_degrees = turingPoint[3] hooked = true OnFollowMe.emit(currentDir,targetSpeed,global_position,turingPoint[2],rotation_degrees)...
_astarPath = AStar.new() _astarPath.add_point(_astarPath.get_available_point_id(), allPoints.pop_front()) # 循环所有【未添加的点】,循环所有AStar中【已添加的点】 # 找出【未添加点】与【已添加点】的距离中,【最短】的距离点,并添加到AStar中 # 同时将该点从【未添加点集合】中删除 while ...
玩家手牌.append(牌堆.pop_back())print('draw_cards','牌堆',牌堆)renew_card_reveal()func set_boss():# 设置bossboss.name = boss牌堆.pop_front()if boss.name.find('J') != -1:boss.atk = J_DAMAGEboss.hp = J_HPif boss.name.find('Q') != -1:boss.atk = Q_DAMAGEboss.hp = ...
^Use defined key mapping for closing popups and dialogs https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/77297 ^ Disable padding around highlighted rich text in the editor Output panel https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/77291 ^Expose get_window_id() from Window class https://github.com/godot...
Add `back()` and `pop_back()` to `LocalVector` #99955 commented on Mar 21, 2025 • 0 new comments Update `ReflectionAnalyzers` to v0.3.1 #104162 commented on Mar 27, 2025 • 0 new comments Fix error when packing node in tree with children #104099 commented on Mar 21,...
(); } } //now just make sure to not delete any of these resources while changing locale.. while (to_reload.front()) { to_reload.front()->get()->reload_from_file(); to_reload.pop_front(); } } void ResourceLoader::load_translation_remaps() { if (!ProjectSettings::get_...
# 自定义线程安全队列 class_name ThreadSafeQueue var _queue := [] var _mutex := Mutex.new() func push(item): _mutex.lock() _queue.append(item) _mutex.unlock() func pop(): var item := null _mutex.lock() if _queue.size() > 0: item = _queue.pop_front() _mutex.unlock()...
queue.empty() : var curPos = queue.pop_front() #放入myMap表示这个位置检查过了 #如果某个方向上也是非空的位置,并且没有检查过,就放入队列 var upX = max(curPos.x -1,0) var downX = min(curPos.x+1,map.size()-1) var leftY = max(curPos.y-1,0) var rightY = min(curPos.y+1,map...
Fixed: getPingToDataCenter(), getPOPList(), parsePingLocationString(), closeConnection(), getAuthenticationStatus(), getConnectionInfo(), createSocketPair() functions Removed: requestAllProofOfPurchaseKeys() and requestAppProofOfPurchaseKey() as they are deprecated Removed: gameplay_stats signal from...