InputEvent是所有输入事件的基类,鼠标相关事件是InputEventMouse,鼠标移动事件是更具体的InputEventMouseMotion。 InputEventMouseMotion中定义了很多和事件有关的属性,其中screen_relative顾名思义是鼠标移动前后的坐标差值,得到的向量就表示我们鼠标移动的方向和距离。 实际上还存在一个叫relative的属性。不过如果你的游戏画...
I noticed that when I move my mouse over a lot of UI elements, the editor starts to stutter, which makes it harder to efficiently aim with the mouse. Somehow hovering over only a few elements in a short time doesn't seem to have any effect, but it feels like there is some "threshol...
mouse reappears outside the window frame SystemInformation: Godot version: v4.2.2.stable.fedora [15073af] OS: Fedora Linux 40 (Workstation Edition) echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE wayland Steps to reproduce hit play, move mouse to look around bump cursor into screen boundary move mouse outside of...
func _on_Area2D_mouse_entered(): print("鼠标碰撞") queue_free(),运行后我用鼠标接触sun,sun也成功销毁,然后我问的就是,我怎样在sun脚本里写代码访问MAin/Sprite/sprite/label.text,然后想sun消失就修改这个数值,顺便再问另外一个低端的问题,Area2D到底怎么样移动,我看教程好像都是做人物然后在_process(...
move_node = Item <<用一个变量记录这个物品,方便逻辑判断【当前已持有节点】上面是界面上的变化,但是库存还没变,所以库存也要变一下。Pick_up_item = Bag[Slot] #【正在手持的物件】 = 【当前槽位的物品】Bag[Slot] = null #【当前槽位的物品】= 空接下来就自由发挥了,原理就是这样。当然背包还涉及...
Lecture 8 Handling Mouse Motion Lecture 9 Handling Complex Rotations Lecture 10 Transform Interpolation Lecture 11 Relative Motion Lecture 12 Adding Assets Section 3: Animating the Player Lecture 13 Adding Rigged Characters Lecture 14 Interpolating the Rig ...
extends KinematicBody2D var velocity = Vector2.ZERO func _process(delta): # 获取导航目标方向 var direction = (get_global_mouse_position() - global_position).normalized() # 计算移动速度 velocity = direction * 200 # 假设速度为200像素/秒 # 使用move_and_slide移动角色 move_and_slide(velo...
Lecture 8 Handling Mouse Motion Lecture 9 Handling Complex Rotations Lecture 10 Transform Interpolation Lecture 11 Relative Motion Lecture 12 Adding Assets Section 3: Animating the Player Lecture 13 Adding Rigged Characters Lecture 14 Interpolating the Rig ...