vertex着色器还提供了一个参数,叫做MODEL_MATRIX,在以前的版本中也叫WORLD_MATRIX,也就是全局坐标变换矩阵。根据线性代数的知识,矩阵左乘本地坐标就能得到变换过后的坐标,储存本地坐标的参数就是VERTEX。要注意的是,VERTEX是一个二维向量,而坐标变换矩阵是4×4矩阵,4×4矩阵只能左乘四维向量,因此我们改写一下函数 voi...
#[vertex] #version 450 #VERSION_DEFINES layout(location = 0) in vec4 position; layout(push_constant, std430) uniform Params { mat4 model_matrix; mat4 view_matrix; mat4 proj_matrix; } params; layout(location = 0) out vec4 uv_interp; void main() { uv_interp = vec4(position.x, ...
void vertex() { vertexPos[0] = (MODEL_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 0.0, 1.0)).xy; } void fragment() { //遮盖Y方向 float isWithinY = step(vertexPos[0].y, cellPos.y) * step(cellPos.y, vertexPos[0].y + height); //遮盖X方向 ...
objScaleUnrotatedMtx.x = length(MODEL_MATRIX[0].xyz); objScaleUnrotatedMtx.y = length(MODEL_MATRIX[1].xyz); objScaleUnrotatedMtx.z = length(MODEL_MATRIX[2].xyz); v_objectscale = objScaleUnrotatedMtx; #endif } void fragment() { ALBEDO = vec3(1,0,0); } Okay i have finally ...
vertexPos[0] = (MODEL_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 0.0, 1.0)).xy; } void fragment() { //遮盖Y方向 float isWithinY = step(vertexPos[0].y, cellPos.y) * step(cellPos.y, vertexPos[0].y + height); //遮盖X方向 float isWithinX = step(vertexPos[0].x, cellPos.x) * step(cellPos...
model_normal_matrix = model_normal_matrix * mat3(matrix); } @@ -397,8 +397,8 @@ void vertex_shader(vec3 vertex_input, // We add the result to the vertex and ignore the final lost precision. vec3 model_origin = model_matrix[3].xyz; ...
用户可以关闭内置模型视图变换(英文:modelview transform,注:但投影(projection)依然会发生),并使用如下代码手动实现: shader_type spatial;render_mode skip_vertex_transform;voidvertex(){VERTEX=(MODELVIEW_MATRIX*vec4(VERTEX,1.0)).xyz;NORMAL=(MODELVIEW_MATRIX*vec4(NORMAL,0.0)).xyz;// same as above...
Use MODELVIEW_MATRIX when on double precision (GH-75462). Move sky luminance scaling to before fog is applied (GH-75812). Clamp normal when calculating 2D lighting to avoid artifacts (GH-76240). Rework particle turbulence (GH-77154). (Re-)Implement Light3D.shadow_reverse_cull_face (GH-7723...
光函数会对每一个光源进行逐像素调用,并且会对每一种光源类型循环调用。 下面是一个使用兰博特光照模型(Lambertian lighting model)的自定义光函数的范例: voidlight(){DIFFUSE_LIGHT+=dot(NORMAL,LIGHT)*ATTENUATION*ALBEDO;} 如果你想让光照叠加,可以使用+=运算符将各个光叠加到DIFFUSE_LIGHT。
iOS: OS.get_model_name() now returns a value with the device name. iOS: The Home indicator is now hidden by default to avoid being in the way of the running project. It can be restored in the Project Settings. Windows: Ability to toggle the console window in the Editor Settings. Wi...