There is no mechanism for getting mouse wheel delta. Due to the vast difference in the number of events generated, this makes it impossible to make mouse wheel input compatible with both a mouse and a touchpad in the same game. i.e., A touchpad will always scrollway too fast, or otherw...
Godot for Windows, Linux and MacOS. InputEventMouseMotion.relative_x, relative_y and relative_pos provide the relative movement of the mouse processed by the Operating System. In other words, the OS read the raw input from the mouse, pro...
Godot4.3测试,鼠标释放时也会触发InputEventMouseMotion,大家都是这样的吗?func _unhandled_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:if event is InputEventMouseMotion:print(event)幻影炎尘 godot 1 按键弹起不是都有事件的吗 神秘海马人 GDScript 5 好像按下和弹起算两个事件来着 ...
首先是节点上的 _input(ev),这个事件可以用 Node.set_process_input() 来禁用,如果需要不再往下传递,可以使用 SceneTree.set_input_as_handled()。 然后再到 GUI 各 control 的 Control._gui_input() ,可以通过 Control.accept_event() 停止往下传递。同时可以使用 Control.mouse_filter (参数界面上也有设置)...
首先是节点上的 _input(ev),这个事件可以用 Node.set_process_input() 来禁用,如果需要不再往下传递,可以使用 SceneTree.set_input_as_handled()。 然后再到 GUI 各 control 的 Control._gui_input() ,可以通过 Control.accept_event() 停止往下传递。同时可以使用 Control.mouse_filter (参数界面上也有设置)...
public override void _Input(InputEvent @event)// 输入事件处理方法 { if (@event is InputEventScreenDrag || @event is InputEventScreenTouch && @event.IsPressed())// 判断如果输入事件为屏幕拖动或屏幕触摸且按下 { Vector2 mousebutton = (Vector2)@event.Get("position");// 获取鼠标位置 ...
()# 节点当前向量.ifInput.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):velocity.x+=1ifInput.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):velocity.x-=1ifInput.is_action_pressed("ui_down"):velocity.y+=1ifInput.is_action_pressed("ui_up"):velocity.y-=1ifvelocity.length()>0:velocity=velocity.normalized()*speed#使用...
Series Introduction Getting Started Nodes, Scenes and Trees GDScript Programming 101 2D Graphics, Sprites and Animation Keyboard, Mouse and Joystick Input User Interface Development Sound FX and Music Physics2D Tiles and TileMaps Networking 2D Keyframe Animation ...
Universal translation of touch input to mouse input. AudioStreamPlayer, AudioStreamPlayer2D, and AudioStreamPlayer3D now have a pitch scale property. Support for MIDI input. Support for audio capture from microphones. GROW_DIRECTION_BOTH for Controls. Selected tiles can be moved in the tile map ...
Universal translation of touch input to mouse input. AudioStreamPlayer, AudioStreamPlayer2D, and AudioStreamPlayer3D now have a pitch scale property. Support for MIDI input. Support for audio capture from microphones. GROW_DIRECTION_BOTH for Controls. Selected tiles can be moved in the tile map ...