set_position(pos + self.velocity * delta) } // This method has only read access (&self). pub fn is_inside_area(&self, rect: Rect2) -> String { // We can only call base() here, not base_mut(). let node_name = self.base().get_name(); format!("Monster(name={}, ...
position: # Get the updated position data var position_state = JSON.parse(match_state.state) # Update the game object associated with that player var user = match_state.user_presence.session_id if user in players: # Here we would normally do something like smoothly interpolate to the new ...
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine - godot/scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp at master · Smirk-Software-Company/godot
# Assuming the player node is named "Player" var player = get_node("Node2D/Player") ifplayer: var player_position = player.position ifplayer_position.x <0: player.position.x = screen_size.x elifplayer_position.x > screen_size.x: player.position.x =0 elifplayer_position.y <0: player...
position value of a sprite. Then advance the timeline, set another key at a different position. The computer will then interpolate the position over time between those two keys. This interpolation between key frames is often referred to as a “tweening” as in “inbetween”. Don’t worry, ...
, and the last time the node's_process()function was called was half a second ago (delta= 0.5). To find out where to paint the sprite next, you just have to multiply the sprite's speed by thedelta(400 x 0.5), and Godot will show the sprite 200 pixels from its prior position....
class_name StateMachineextendsNode## The initial state of the state machine. If not set, the first child node is used.@exportvarinitial_state: State=null## The current state of the state machine.@onreadyvarstate: State=(funcget_initial_state()->State:returninitial_stateifinitial_state!=null...
Node类:生命周期 自身的_ready,并且_ready的调用是在自身以及所有子节点的_enter_tree调用完毕后才调用...,也是可以重写的void _enter_tree( ) virtual 进入场景树,类似于Unity的Awake void _ready( ) virtual 当节点准备就绪,相当于Unity的 Blender着色器:凹损的金属 ...
screen_size = get_viewport_rect().size func _physics_process(delta): # ... (existing movement code) move_and_collide(velocity * delta) var c1 = position.x < -margin var c2 = position.x > screen_size.x + margin var c3 = position.y < -margin ...
, and the last time the node's_process()function was called was half a second ago (delta= 0.5). To find out where to paint the sprite next, you just have to multiply the sprite's speed by thedelta(400 x 0.5), and Godot will show the sprite 200 pixels from its prior position....