回到场景,选中 MouseClickEventExample,找到右侧的 "input_event" 信号(位置在 Godot 右侧找到"检查器旁边的节点-CollisionObject2D-input_event(viewport: Node, event: InputEvent, shape_idx: int)")双击"input_event(viewport: Node, event: InputEvent, shape_idx: int)" 弹出"连接信号到方法"窗口,点击连接...
Mister-Click / godot-cpp mittorn / godot-cpp MJacred / godot-cpp mlutken / godot-cpp MokaHiko / godot-cpp Mr-L-oof / godot-cpp MrChenLearnSpace / godot-cpp mrcrr8614 / godot-cpp mrushyendra / godot-cpp MyStarrySpace / godot-cpp ...
} 这是节点二的代码 private AnimationPlayer ani; public override void _Ready() { ani.GetNode<AnimationPlayer>("animation_player"); } public void play_animation() { ani.Play("animation_01"); } 然后运行,报错System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object....
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine - godot/platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.cpp at 6b6428d779c8327ec051ab0b5114a2eaa3f1a3bf · godotengine/godot
if (event.position - $Sprite2D.position).length() < click_radius: # Start dragging if the click is on the sprite. if not dragging and event.pressed: dragging = true # Stop dragging if the button is released. if dragging and not event.pressed: ...
func_input(event):ifevent is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index==BUTTON_LEFT:if(event.position-$Sprite.position).length()<click_radius:# Start draggingifthe click is on the sprite.if!dragging and event.pressed:dragging=true# Stop draggingifthe button is released.ifdragging and!event...
16、自有可能的引擎类GDScriptGDScript (click link for referenee) 是动态类型脚本语言,以适应Godot弓I擎,设计它主要 有以下几个目标:*第一个,也是最重要的,让它变得简单,熟悉,尽可能的易学.*使代码易 读,让错误更安全语法大部分是借鉴Python.程序员通常要花几天去学习它,不超过两周就会适应它.像其他动态类型...
Godot Engineis a feature-packed, cross-platform game engine to create 2D and 3D games from a unified interface.It provides a comprehensive set ofcommon tools, so that users can focus on making games without having to reinvent the wheel. Games can be exported with one click to a number of...
DOWNLOAD Godot 4.3 Click to load comments This enables Disqus, Inc. to process some of your data. Disqus privacy policy Rate it: 4.8/5 (4 Votes) Add to watchlist Add to download basket Send us an update Report runs on: macOS 10.12 or later (Universal Binary) file size: 104.8 MB fi...