在Main场景中,添加三个AudioStreamPlayer节点,并将它们命名为CoinSound,LevelSound和EndSound。将每个声音从audio文件夹(您可以在FileSystem中的资源下找到)拖动到每个节点的相应Stream属性中。 要播放声音,请调用play()函数。将$添加到_on_Player_pickup()函数,将$添加到game_over(...
1. 背景音乐 在Game场景中添加子节点AudioStreamPlayer2D,拖拽音频素材至Stream(或直接点击Stream值的部分下拉列表中选择Quick Load...),勾选Autoplay。 双击左下角FileSystem中的用于背景音乐的文件,勾选Loop使其可以循环播放,点击Reimport重新导入。 2. 音量调节 将AudioStreamPlayer2D重命名为Music。 音量的调节: ...
用的是AudioStreamPlayer节点 触发音效后有时重复播放 有人知道这是因为什么原因么? 雷伊盖亚0 小吧主 11 什么版本?看一下loop属性是否开了,3就看导入面板对于的音频资源,4双击音频资源或者播放节点的音频资源属性面板里loop是否关闭 mukuj2 godot 1 3.5 的版本 mukuj2 godot 1 找不到 loop 这个选项 登录...
Fixes #96670 Although said in documentation, AudioStreamPlayer3D doesn't do the claimed optimization: avoiding audio mixing when further than max_distance from the AudioListener3D. So I did a seemi...
With the background music audio file properly looped during import, it will now play and loop seamlessly during gameplay, providing an immersive experience for the players throughout their game session. Play Audio on User Input Interactive audio elements can further enhance the player's engagement ...
play_sfx("ScoreCount") as AudioStreamPlayer await score_counted sound.stop() # 升旗 var white_flag = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group("WhiteFlag") as WhiteFlag await create_tween().tween_property(white_flag, "global_position:y", white_flag.global_position.y - Variables.TILE_SIZE.y...
声音和音乐可能是增加游戏体验吸引力的最有效方法。在我们的游戏资产文件夹中,我们有两个声音文件:“ House in a Forest Loop.ogg”用于背景音乐,而“ gameover.wav”用于玩家迷路。 添加两个AudioStreamPlayer节点作为Main的子节点。命名音乐之一,另一个命名为DeathSound。在每个流媒体上,单击Stream属性,选择“ Load...
Audio buses can now be removed in the editor while they are used by AudioStreamPlayer2D/3D nodes. Do not show the project manager unless no project was found at all. The animation editor time offset indicator no longer "walks" when resizing the editor. Allow creation of a built-in GDScrip...
point.set_loop(false) var power1= $ as AudioStreamOGGVorbis power1.set_loop(false) 在游戏开始界面的时候,有一个动画慢慢升起来的标题,这个制作需要准备两个动画,然后按下的时候,直接播放结束的那个,具体可以看下代码。 func _input(event): ...