在Coin场景下创建一个节点AnimationPlayer,添加一个Animation,命名为pickup。 选中AnimatedSprite2D,下方菜单保持选中Animation。在右侧的Visible中点击钥匙按钮,会出现一个弹窗,询问是否在添加对于Visible的追踪,并添加关键帧?选择创建。 Godot会自动创建一个Reset的动画状态,在时间轴的关键帧上先后将Visible取消勾选,然后再...
请问一下,AnimatedSprite2D结点的animationfinished 看描述是在动画到达结尾时发出。但是我在将这个信号链接到函数时,播放动画进行测试,发现信号链接的函数没有被调用?请问触发animation_finished这个信号需要满足什么条件?顺便问一下如何设置可以让一个动画只播放一遍而不是循环播放? 鱼香茄子没有鱼😼 着色器 8 animatio...
Godot v4.3.stable - Windows 10.0.22631 - Vulkan (Forward+) - dedicated NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super (NVIDIA; - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10875H CPU @ 2.30GHz (16 Threads) Issue description AnimatedSprite2D is not set to loop, but sometimes it plays twice. This bug occurs ...
简单的小动画那就用 AnimatedSprite2D 就可以了。 当然还有更狠的,给 AnimatedSprite2D 配上 AnimationPlayer,因为前者也有 frame 属性也可以加关键帧。反正 AnimationPlayer 主打一个万能配。 AnimatedSprite2D 配 AnimationPlayer 就是在 animatedSprite2D 里弄好动画后,在 AnimationPlayer 里切换 animation 和 frame 来控...
Viewport 的属性 Viewport.canvas_transform 属性,改变这个属性可以用于改变其内部所有 canvasItem 节点在屏幕上的位置。Camera2D 正是运用这个特性来调整屏幕。 但是注意,想达成像是滚动等效果,比起调整屏幕,调整 canvas 的 transform 性能上更加高效。 1.2 CanvasLayers ...
AnimatedSprite2D/3D. As standalone SpritesFrames resource. Supports Aseprite animation directions (forward, reverse, ping-pong, ping-pong reverse). Supports loopable and non-loopable animations via Aseprite repeat or tags. Separates each Aseprite Tag into animations. In case no tags are defined, impo...
当你创建Coin场景时,曾添加了一个AnimatedSprite,硬币动画显示出光穿过硬币表面的shimmer(闪烁)效果。如果所有硬币同时显示,它看起来太有规律,因此每个硬币在动画中需要一个小的随机延迟。 首先,单击AnimatedSprite,然后单击Frames资源。确保将Loop设置为Off并将Speed设置为12*。
AnimatedSprite2D's animation_finished signal is now triggered at the end of the animation, instead of as soon as the last frame displays. Audio buses can now be removed in the editor while they are used by AudioStreamPlayer2D/3D nodes. Do not show the project manager unless no project was...
This tutorial covers the use of AnimatedSprite, a class that enables you to create a sprite with multiple frames of animation. We do a quick code sample illustrating how to animate between frames. Keyframe Animation Click here to watch in YouTubeClick here for blog post This tutorial looks ...
01 extends Area2D 02 03 func _ready(): 04 pass 05 06 func _process(delta): 07 $AnimatedSprite.play("fire") Now run the scene. The turret will animate, as if firing bullets out of its cannon. You can also see the scene working in the editor if you want. Add a line that saystoo...