首先,最重要的一点就是刚体和万有引力那密不可分的关系,在 Godot 中设置重力( Gravity )对刚体的影响主要有两种方式:一是在项目中设置全局引力值;二是在刚体属性中设置引力的缩放系数。 项目中的设置参考下图,具体在 Project Settings -> General -> Physics -> 2d 中找到 Default Gravity 即默认引力值配置,在...
首先,最重要的一点就是刚体和万有引力那密不可分的关系,在 Godot 中设置重力( Gravity )对刚体的影响主要有两种方式:一是在项目中设置全局引力值;二是在刚体属性中设置引力的缩放系数。 项目中的设置参考下图,具体在Project Settings -> General -> Physics -> 2d中找到Default Gravity即默认引力值配置,在本游戏...
extendsCharacterBody2Dvarspeed :=500.0varjump_impulse :=1800.0varbase_gravity :=4000.0@onreadyvaranimation_player :=%AnimationPlayerfunc_physics_process(delta:float)->void:# Horizontal movement and gravity.varinput_direction_x :=Input.get_axis("move_left","move_right") velocity.x=input_direction_...
Add physics material to GridMap (GH-56006). Add KinematicBody moving_platform_apply_velocity_on_leave property (GH-56569).PortingAndroid: Add full support for Android scoped storage (GH-51815). Android: Initial port of the Godot editor (GH-57747). Android: Update editor default display scale...
Fix spelling ofapply_torque_impulse()and deprecate the misspelled method. Gizmos are now properly hidden on scene load if the object they control is hidden. Remove spurious errors when using a PanoramaSky without textures. Show tooltips in the editor when physics object picking is disabled. ...
Engine.get_physics_interpolation_fraction() to get the fraction through the current physics tick at the time of the current frame. This can be used to implement fixed timestep interpolation. Support for shadow-to-opacity in 3D to render shadows in augmented reality contexts. Ability to change...
Engine.get_physics_interpolation_fraction() to get the fraction through the current physics tick at the time of the current frame. This can be used to implement fixed timestep interpolation. Support for shadow-to-opacity in 3D to render shadows in augmented reality contexts. Ability to change...
最后一组属性的设置之前,你必须创建一个新的PhysicsMaterial即碰撞材质,这与老版本 Godot 中刚体属性设置稍微不同。另外,刚体还有一些其他的属性这里并没有完全列出来,比如Mode刚体模式或者Custom Integrator自定义碰撞响应等,我们暂时不讨论,在之后的文中如果用到再介绍吧。 :grin: ...
Add physics material to GridMap (GH-56006). Add KinematicBody moving_platform_apply_velocity_on_leave property (GH-56569).PortingAndroid: Add full support for Android scoped storage (GH-51815). Android: Initial port of the Godot editor (GH-57747). Android: Update editor default display scale...
Removed the deprecated PhysicsBody friction and bounce properties (replaced by PhysicsMaterial).RenderingRemoved OpenGL ES 2.0 renderer (replaced by the new mobile-oriented OpenGL 3 renderer). Vulkan, OpenGL 3.3, OpenGL ES 3.0 or WebGL 2.0 support is now required to run Godot. Removed support ...