注意Layer 1用Environment放墙之类,因为默认节点 碰撞层1 遮罩1,后续名称排序无所谓,仅用来看。2D物理层同理。 olddddddddddddddd: player Wall Enemy Bullet Sign RigidBody3D PlayerRigidBody Debris Explode Water Probe Danmaku StandOnHead 之后↓↓↓ Environment Player Enemy Projectiles PhysicsObjects Liquid...
Planet Rider- 2D physics parkour game in an alien environment. Platshoot- A 2D shooter game. Ringed- Top-down shooter with extensive usage of light effects. Tanks of Freedom- Free turn-based isometric strategy game. Three Hungry Mice- Breakout game with mice made for the Godot Engine Jam of...
I'm trying to create dynamic 2d water, with damping and dispersion physics in the water surface. The water has Area2D with CollisionPolygon2D to detect RigidBody2D collision to calculate speed and apply force in a surface vertice. But the CollisionPolygon2D has the same poygon as the body ...
RMSmartShape2D - 2D灵活地形工具- 功能比较强大,可自定义地形多边形顶点,做横幅卷轴游戏必备,俯视ARPG游戏可考虑 2D action platformer - 2D横幅卷轴动作状态机- 有完整的模板,做横幅卷轴动作游戏基本必备,属于游戏框架级了 2D reflection - 2D反射- 使用新摄像头渲染到模板纹理,实现2D水面反射效果 Day & Night cy...
Godot Shaders playlistis a playlist with fairly advanced 2D shaders. It goes through specific examples such as procedural fog, cartoon fire, simple water, paper burn, Mandelbrot fractal and lava as well as looking at the Visual Shader Editor in Godot 3.1 and its limitations ...
我把我项目的 3D物理层 给整理了一下,大概你的项目用8个就顶天了,再多就会乱。注意Layer 1用Environment放墙之类,因为默认节点 碰撞层1 遮罩1,后续名称排序无所谓,仅用来看。2D物理层同理。 olddddddddddddddd: player Wall Enemy Bullet Sign RigidBody3D PlayerRigidBody Debris Explode Water Probe Danmaku...
Physics-based: Idea from physics law such as Newton's law of universal gravitation, black hole, multiverse Human-based: Idea from human interaction such as queuing search, teaching learning, ... Biology-based: Idea from biology creature (or microorganism),... System-based: Idea from eco-syste...
TileMap quadrants are required for rendering, but they cause significant performance issues for anything else. Indeed, when a quadrant is modified, the whole quadrant needs to update, including the physics, navigation, scenes, etc... systems. The internals should be reworked so that quadrants are...
func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void: if not is_ended: Expand All @@ -32,12 +33,12 @@ func _physics_process(_delta: float) -> void: func _on_climable_body_entered(body: Node2D) -> void: flag_pulled.emit() player = body # 摧毁所有炮弹 get_tree().call_group("Bulle...
In optics, how do 2D ray diagrams generalize to 3D? Could it be possible to predict the effects of a universe with universal constants different to ours? Does it matter which screw I use for wire connections on a series of outlets? Connected open sets in the topology generated by the...