Nut is the goddess of the sky, whom the Egyptians believed swallowed Ra, the sun god, every evening and gave birth to him again each morning. She is depicted with a water pot on her head to signify fertility, and a dress of stars to represent the heavens....
In art, Nuit is depicted as a woman wearing no clothes, covered with stars and supported by Shu; opposite her (the sky), is her husband,Geb(the Earth). With Geb, she was the mother of Osiris, Horus, Isis, Set, and Nephthys. During the day, Nut and Geb are separated, but each e...
Creator Goddess of the SkyNut (pronounced newt) is the daughter of Tefnut and Shu. She’s a B.B.W. (Big Blue Woman), immensely large and covered with stars. Sometimes she swallows them, but they always pop up again later. Her brother Geb is the matching God of the Earth. He is ...
Shu (standing, centre) supporting the sky goddess Nut arched above him and with the... Copyright British Museum Geb falling away from intercourse with Nut, detail from the Papyrus of Tameniu; in... Courtesy of the trustees of the British MuseumVIEW...
Father: Geb, god of the earth Mother: Nut, god of the sky Brother/Husband: Osiris, god of the dead and resurrection Brother: Set, god of evil and darkness Sister: Nepthys, goddess of darkness, decay and death Brother/Son: Horus, sky god, god of kingship ...
Ancient Egypt held the goddess Nut as one of the most loved goddesses. Known as the sky goddess, she held the title of “she who gives birth to the gods.” From birth to death, Nut played an important role in Egyptian mythology as the barrier between the order of creation and chaos. ...
She became the goddess of all people, male and female, royal and common. Isis helping the dead king Haremhab. Isis, an Egyptian Goddess According to ancient Egyptian mythology, Isis was born to the earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut. She had siblings who were Osiris, Seth (or Set)...
Originally Yemaya was a river goddess of the Yoruba in Nigeria, far from the ocean. She was a nature spirit, an orisha. A powerful guardian spirit that reflects an important aspect of the God of theSanteria religion. An orisha manifests itself as a force of nature. When her people ...
Isis, the Egyptian goddess of rebirth, remains one of the most familiar images of empowered feminine integrity. The goddess Isis was the first daughter of Geb, god of the Earth, andNut, the goddess of the Overarching Sky. Isis was born on the first day between the first years of creation...