Nut is the goddess of the sky, whom the Egyptians believed swallowed Ra, the sun god, every evening and gave birth to him again each morning. She is depicted with a water pot on her head to signify fertility, and a dress of stars to represent the heavens....
In Lower Egypt, the Milky Way was viewed as the celestial image of Nut. She was adopted into the family tree of the Egyptian gods as the daughter of Shu, the god of the air, and Tefnut, the goddess of moisture. She became the sky, while her brother Geb became the god of earth. ...
Nut, a powerful sky goddess and the mother of all gods, is usually represented with symbols associated with the sky, stars, and fertility. This goddess is best known for her children, Osiris, Isis, Set, Horus, and Nephthys, so she can be represented with their symbols too. General Since ...
Godchecker guide to Nut (also known as Nuit), the Egyptian Goddess of Creation from Egyptian mythology. Creator Goddess of the Sky
Nut was the powerful Egyptian goddess of the sky. The mother of a generation of Egyptian deities, including Osiris and Isis, her body supported Ra, the sun, and kept the crushing waters of Nun from drowning the earth.
the nuts and bolts of a scheme→losaspectosprácticosde unproyecto 2.(Bot) →nuezf to be a hardortough nutit's a hardortough nut to crack→es unhuesoduroderoer he's a tough nut→esun tipoduro 3.(=head) →cocom to do one's nut(Brit) →salirsede suscasillas ...
of their lives.Naturally, Nut as the Egyptian sky goddess was a prominent figure. With no skyscrapers to impede the view, the desert sky was a vast and powerful element. They felt Nut’s presence day and night, and she protected them from the moment of birth until far into the afterlife...
Nut In Egyptian mythology, Nut (Nuit, Darkness) also known by various other transcriptions, is the goddess of the sky, stars, cosmos, mothers, astronomy, and the universe in the ancient Egyptian religion. She was seen as a star-covered nude woman arching over the Earth, or as a cow. ...
Egyptian goddess of the sky Nut A small (usually square or hexagonal) metal block with internal screw thread to be fitted onto a bolt Nut Half the width of an em Nut A whimsically eccentric person Nut Someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction; A golf...
Nut is a female Goa'uld known as the Egyptian sky goddess. According to Vala Mal Doran, she was known for having many husbands, which Vala thought was one of her more admirable traits. She was also known as one of the many Underlords of the second Ruler