媒体类别:海报/平面 广告语言:英语 媒介平台:网络 综合评分 0 暂无评分 创意 0 文案 0 视觉 0 创作者 广告公司:博达大桥 (秘鲁 利马) 创意总监: German Garrido,Ricardo Ortiz 文案: Daniel Lobaton,Gonzalo Paredes 美术指导: Gonzalo Paredes 插画: ...
Scientists are pretty much in agreement that our universe began in thebig bangwhen a highly condensed mass of matter exploded creating space as it expanded. The hot matter began to cool as it dispersed and this cooling created the stars and the planets. This was all dependent upon a very pr...
Screenshots & Video of Oh God! PC Download Oh God! on PC with MEmu Android Emulator. Enjoy playing on big screen. The holy justice will be served!Game Info The holy justice will be served!OMG! Being the ruler of heaven and hell is not that easy!You’ll be the judge of both ...
Trump’s got Big Balls … (crushing the Deep State) Elon’s got Big Balls … (draining The Swamp) There’s such big calls… (75 million mandate) To flush dirty Dem stalls & we’ve got Big Balls … & all 47’s Appointees got Big Balls … But MAGA’s got the Biggest Balls of us...
HUBLOT宇舶表发布全新BIG BANG UNICO夏日天蓝色腕表 据时尚无国界资讯,瑞士奢华制表品牌HUBLOT宇舶表以匠心巧思将品牌三大经典元素融入全新Big Bang Unico夏日天蓝色腕表,标志性Big Bang腕表的设计美学,Unico表厂自制机芯以及品牌备受青睐的陶瓷材质,成就色泽清透且富有魅力的腕间时计新作。据悉,全新腕表限量典藏200枚,将登...
太刺激了!BLACKPINK&BIGBANG混音编舞! 78.2万 1.8万 6:38 App JENNIE VS LISA 六分钟Rap超强对决!全程高能停不下来! 54.1万 269 3:38 App BLACKPINK日本武道馆《BOOMBAYAH》超强RAP炸裂舞台JENNIE最具力量名场面之一 5848 1 3:08 App 【Jenlisa】超然混音JENLISA RAP ATTACK' (Round 3 - FINAL) 12.8万 ...
Mira Yoo VS Miseon Mah Epic recovery Aim To Mori's memory BIG BANG Just kidding My wish DBL Bulgogi or SP Dak galbi Mira's conflict Do whatever you want What's in your mind? Hound Daewi Han's friends SEOUL TEAM Raid Threat of NOX ...
(Bigbang)忙内line,炒鸡炒鸡喜欢的一首歌,《看我贵顺》,这个两人都太有综艺感了 收藏于: 2023-9-1 12:16 播放:10.3万 收藏:2893 UP主:苏珂kee 投稿:2015-12-1 【BIGBANG】Monster In Me (2012 MAMA) CRAYON + FANTASTIC BABY 收藏于: 2023-9-1 ...
Darcy said in wandavision that Chaos Magic seems to generate large quantities of CMBR, relic radiation that dates back to the Big Bang so the infinity stones and the chaos magic are connected like it all makes senses...the mind stone amplified her chaos magic now imagine what all t...
This theory illustrates the belief that God must be the first cause, the one before and behind the "Big Bang" of Creation. "The heavens reveal the glory of God," says the psalmist. "The skies proclaim the work of his hands" (Psalm 19:1). Those who hold this position believe it is...