那两个孩子,亚当和夏娃,身披素衣,落入伊甸,在麦浪中手牵手奔向生命之树,一个新的生命轮回在旧地球灭亡的同时重新计时。 ...导演和编剧结束了他们的福音传教,合上Holy Bible,作揖谢幕。而仍未跟上步伐的我,眼神瞅着屏幕上的演职员表,思绪却被置于莫名的惊叹与失望的尴尬境地...科学和宗教一直以来就保持着暧昧...
Everything that’s happening and troubling the world today was predicted in The BIBLE centuries ago: Israel, the Middle East, Europe and the whole world is headed for a conflagration, and like Jesus said: “People will go on in their lives like they did in NOAH’s day, until the FLOOD ...
- Missing shadow of the big bang with the long-predicted "quieter" echo behind nearby galaxy clusters now disproved - The CMB and other alleged confirmed big bang predictions (Google: big bang predictions. See that we're #1.) - These "shouldn't exist" – supermassive black holes, an iron...
Can Christians add the big bang to the Bible? The big bang is the atheistic alternative to God as Creator, but it is both scientifically and theologically invalid. lucide:file-textArticle19 Mar, 2019 Young galaxies too old for the big bang Young galaxies too old for the big bang lucide:fi...
Big Hand Theory vs Big Bang Theory...信仰的颠覆 尼古拉斯凯奇,欣慰的是他即便开始谢顶,却仍然活跃在影坛上,且一贯着他尼式的铁胆英雄角色。Knowing里的他,更是将Next,World Trade Center和National Treasure中三个英雄主角的特质集于一身。失望的是,他能让人叫好的电影却如他的头发,越来越少...从trailer中...
Since at the big bang all things, even space and time, were part of a singularity, we can suppose that all aspects of the universe are still entangled today. So therefore, if all observers believed a certain thing, would that thing happen? If everyone woke tomorrow believing that gravity ...
Genesis 1:14-20– Ross claims that the cosmos emerged from the big bang prior to the creation of earth, plants, fish and birds. This is opposite what the Bible teaches. He claims that the Hebrew word for day, “yom” is flexible enough to mean millions of years. Yet in Gen 1:14-...
Scientists are pretty much in agreement that our universe began in thebig bangwhen a highly condensed mass of matter exploded creating space as it expanded. The hot matter began to cool as it dispersed and this cooling created the stars and the planets. This was all dependent upon a very pr...
Keeping its relationship with football strong, Hublot has announced the new Big Bang e FIFA World Cup 2022, a connected watch with a new ”timeline” function that will take fans of the world’s largest football tournament right into the heart of the action – even before...
Gerald L. SchroederSchroeder, Gerald L. 1992. Genesis and the Big Bang: The Discovery of Harmony between Modern Science and the Bible. New York: Bantam Books.Schroeder, G. L. (1992). Genesis and the big bang. New York, NY: Bantam....