By a long and ascetic novitiate, this ghostly ruler was reputed to have acquired such sanctity that the waters and the rain obeyed him, and the weather depended on his will. The Mexican kings at their accession, as we have seen, took an oath that they would make the sun to shine, the...
And Your legend took on flesh, Your reality arrives. Even now You guide the travellers, Through dangerous dark lands. Till the day we reach our Heavenly home Held safe within Your hands. Christ You dived into our water and you made our water pure And You lived within our tangled lives an...
humans were empowered to uphold God’s dominion over all of his lovely creation. Genesis tells us that the curses for sin were thorns, suffering, and death. Jesus took each of these curses upon Himself at the cross. Denying that the curses for sin had no effect on the creation over which...
“The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about 23kg of flour until it worked all through the dough.” A tiny amount of yeast can spread through a large amount of flour and rise to produce a massive number of loaves of bread. Small efforts can have large...
While the debate raged over the election, another debate was brewing and that of covid. On one hand, Trump led the charge on getting emergency vaccines created and made available something he took and still takes, great pride in. At the same time, he often refused to wear a mask, compla...
It does not make a difference when the Son of God took on flesh and lived among us. The reality is that he came and did so. He was born into this dark world through the Virgin Mary. He lived, died, and was raised among us. He is seated at the right hand of God the Father. ...
Eventually, Pandora took on a life of her own, and Hephaestus came to love her as a daughter. However, his happy life ended when Kratos killed Ares. The day Ares was killed, Zeus suddenly became very cruel. Thereafter, he snatched Pandora away and banished him to the Underworld. ...
Smile on your own child's nose God has a face Just imagine if the devil had a day And god had took a break and walked away Would you feel safe If everything you loved turned into hate Will the dark angel's evil show you grace ...
His followers took this a step further to claim that there is no original sin. Augustine of Hippo famously championed the campaign against this wrong understanding of human nature and sin, giving us the doctrine Luther would later refer to as “the bondage of the will.” Reaffirmed the ...
and who loves humanity. By the majority of Christians God is believed to have lived on earth in the flesh as Jesus (seeTrinity). In the Hebrew Bible the concept of God is not a unified one. The attitude of believers to this apparent inconsistency has generally been that God, unchanging,...