ppt:道成“肉身”_牧风_新浪博客 ... 道种 —— 道体 word-seed —— Word-flesh 1、道成了肉身(约1:14)The Word became fles… blog.sina.com.cn|基于6个网页 3. 话成了肉体 ...末后的亚当成了赐生命的灵,与照著约翰一章十四节说,话成了肉体(the Word became flesh)是类似的。请注意:这里的...
这个词成了肉身 1.And the word was God; He was with God in the beginning and the wordbecame flesh and made His dwelling among us.这道太初与神同在,道成了肉身,住在我们之中。hourofpower.org.hk 2.But knowing, as we said before, that "the Word became flesh" (Jn 1: 14...
The Word Became Flesh - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him
The Word Became Flesh - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things
Then when Connie became pregnant he was convinced of the wis¬dom of his decision and felt he never could interfere though Connie complained to her mother about a few more beatings and the mother finally became concerned enough to mention it to the Don. Connie even hinted that she might ...
But Don Tommasino vouched for you personally and nobody in this province would ever doubt the word of that good man. And so we make you welcome. But I must tell you that if your intentions are serious about my daughter, we will have to know a little more about you and your family. ...
This chapter grapples with what the Apostle John wrote in his Gospel: "The Word became flesh and made his home among us. We have seen his glory, glory like that of a father's only son, full of grace and truth" (John 1: 14). In light of the controversy about the Novel Azazeel ...
‘s head was out of water and his back was coming out and the old man could hear the noise of skin and flesh ripping on the big fish when he rammed the harpoon down onto the shark‘s head at a spot where the line between his eyes intersected with the line that ran straight back ...
By what means can the original scriptural purpose of Word and Book be more accurately reflected in contemporary analysis? How might that purpose better inform discussion on all sides concerning the central place of the Book in Christian ... ...
“I'd be a God Damned fool to live anywhere else.” At this point Miss Baker said “Absolutely!” with such suddenness that I started—it was the first word she uttered since I came into the room. Evidently it surprised her as much as it did me, for she yawned and with a ...